Saturday 8 November 2014


Hello from beautiful Phnom Penh.
Once again Gail is permitting me the task of reporting at least initially. You see she is so busy having hair, nails and beauty treatment under way.
We got here a little late from Rome then Bangkok because the flight here had no one to load the baggage in Bangkok,!!! But arrived safely into temperatures that were a bit of a shock. Got to our hotel very early but got a room, freshened up and went to see Jenny and Wayne Burton.
Since then it's been all go. We have been lucky enough to arrive during the Cambodian water festival which is an annual event but which has not been held for 4years due to various reasons. J and W took us down to the Mekong river front where it was taking place in the late afternoon.  They had discovered earlier that the authorities had provided tourist visitors with their own ringside viewing area which was very handy because All 2.5 million Cambodian's were looking from the same area. All very noisy, musical, with many selling what they could. I could have been weighed and measured at least a hundred times and fed goodness knows what. But all amazingly good natured. May have been helped by the troops in black and their sub machine guns!!.Not so really as the public were having a really good time, possibly because it is free and great entertainment.    
Some 200 long boats were competing each with it seemed like a hundred rowers in all colours when we arrived. Later they had a light display with numerous barges with towers and electrics that would require many kva generators to run, but they were extraordinarily detailed and very beautiful. Gail took lots of photos but regretfully my camera was back at camp.  Following all that was a fireworks display that rivalled the thunderstorms going on in the background. Our tent etc was only about 50 meters from the royal tent and vip area so we were indeed privileged.
We then retreated back to one of W&J favorite restaurants where we went when here last year. Again the food was great and ditto the next night at another. They also took us to a number of markets including a very new swish Japanese owned one. Today we travelled to the Russian market which was an experience as it is cramped, under cover with cooking and shops all together. Temp was about 39c and as humid as.
Later Gail said she wanted to see the Royal palace as we missed it last year, but on the way also wanted to visit a particular shop. We did so and Gail shopped!!! Then missed seeing the palace as it was time to catch up with Wayne and Jenny again because haircuts, nails were on the agenda. Apparently Wayne gets a shave, has nails done,  both fingers and toes,  regularly when he gets  a shave, but I,m sworn to secrecy on that so don't tell anyone will you.
I would hate to embarrass him!
Anyway I had a haircut and my nails done, which I found very embarrassing as it was a first and likely last for me, especially with toes like mine. I consoled myself in the knowledge that I was giving a beautiful young lady work and helping the economy. The cost however was amazing at$6US and tip for the lot. Wayne said I should have my hair washed as well but I drew the line at that, though he obviously has it done regularly. ?..whoops another secret so don't tell will you.
Right now the hotel staff are fogging to destroy the mossies outside our room and I neglected to turn the air conditioning off and I can tell you with total certainty no mosquito will survive and I give myself a 50/50 chance!!
I will publish this now because if either Gail or Wayne see it I will suffer the same fate as the mossies. After the event I can seek forgiveness as its easier than getting permission. No doubt Gail will will correct the record when she gets home from the chamber of eternal youth.  More later.

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