Wednesday 22 June 2016

Day 4 in Marree

Bob is much much better and we are looking forward to moving on. Day two we waved Maria and Roland off then moved into the unit they had vacated. Bob slept most of the day but went for a long walk around town to stretch him (and me) after so much lying around. Yesterday we took a drive out to Herrgott Springs, an artesian spring that is about 4 kms from town. This was the original name for the settlement but it was changed to Marree in the 1915 mood of anti German sentiment.  We have done some domestic chores so all is laundered. Yesterday and today we have tidied up the camper a bit more. Bob has attached the second new Anderson plug to the electrics for the cruiser. They keep getting damaged with the rough roads. He declined to pay the local mechanic $45 for it and then we found them at the store for $21 so he was well pleased. I have scraped more mud out of the mud guards and from every conceivable crevice around both cruiser and camper. Last night we walked down to the hotel for dinner and were amazed to see locals sitting outside in the cold drinking their beers. They told us we needed a name tag to get inside. When we opened the door we understood what they meant. The bar was jam packed with a few locals and a bus load of seniors. One woman  kindly informed us that they were due to go into dinner in 10 minutes. We squeezed through and went to enquire about dinner. We were informed we had to find a table and report back with the number. We were relieved when the barmaid told us there were several dining rooms. Sure enough the pub is in the grand old style with lots of space going back behind the bar. It has been nicely restored and we had no trouble finding a table. We were in the Tom Kruse  Room which is set up as a museum to the legendary mail man who drove the Birdville Track from 1936-40 before there was any track until 1975. There was a video playing about his exploits and we could have done without the repetition, repetition, reptition. The meal was very nice and they must have a well organised kitchen because it was served promptly despite the bus load of tourists.
We have heard that Maria and Roland were going out driving the dunes today and will head back tomorrow.
Bob wants to have a say so over and out.

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