Friday 24 November 2017

Myanmar Day 7 Magwe

We sailed down river all morning. One of our three guides gave us a very informative talk on the geography, history and industry of the Ayarwaddy River in particular. This really encompassed all of Myanmar. Irrawaddy is the British interpretation of Ayarwaddy and the name has now officially reverted to the original except for the convenience of tourists.
After lunch we walked on a tour up to the main market of Magwe where everyone was encouraged to make a purchase of the longi (sarong) worn by men and women. We have a cultural night soon and everyone is encouraged to participate. I have a women's longi loaned by a friend. Bob bought one in the supermarket in Mandalay for $25.  With my encouragement he bought a really posh Executive one because i thought it would convert to a nice table cloth. Now we have found that we could have bought one for $6 in the markets and I have been reminded every time we see one.
The rest of the tour was done on local long distance buses instead of tourist coaches just to broaden our experience. They were qite comfortable except that the some of the seats reclined without instruction and we wouldn't have been as comfortable if we had to use the seats that folded down into the aisle in order to fit more people. I can imagine the chaos if someone was trying to get off a bus that had all the fold down seats occupied.
We then visited a park with the statue od Aung San the father of Su Who began the independance process. Our guide also explained how the military retains firm control. All Local Government positions are held by retired generals. The Mya Tha Lun Pagoda was our last stop. This Pagoda is important because it is linked to local astrology. Before we arrived we were shown calendars which showed which day of the week we were born. Then in the temple surrounds there was a structure which displayed all the days of the week with it's speccific animal and planet symbol. Bob was a Garuda but has forgtten his planet. I am an elephant under Mercury. The planet influence can change as you age but it is very complicated. Around the pagoda there are the appropriate  places for you to make your prayers in accordance with your sign.
Within the compound there was the first reclining Buddha that we have seen. This  version was in the resting pose, not the death pose.
Last night there was a quiz night but we opted out. We remain well although this is not the case for all the passengers.

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