Sunday 3 December 2017

Myanmar Vibe Hotel 4th Dec.

Today is our last day of the holiday. We have the morning to potter around and then need to head out to the airport early afternoon. We spent yesterday strolling around the central area picking up a few last minute purchases and watching the action. As it was Sunday the traffic was a bit quieter but the markets in the side streets were still busy with street cafes and fresh vegetables and fruit.
We saw the congregation leaving the Baptist Church which is near the centre of the city, close by the Buddhist pagoda which is next door to the main Mosque.  Our guides had pointed out that Burma usually operates on the basis of religious tolerance. The problems with the Rohinga seem to arise from increasing illegal settlement. I will comment more on that at another time but we have actually been far away from those events and probably know no more than anyone else in the west.
We will go down to breakfast shortly which was an interesting mix of Asian and Western yesterday. We had a bowl of lightly curried noodle soup with pieces of the local version of  sweetcorn pancake broken up in it. These pancakes are wafer thin and cooked on a hot plate with the corn sprinkled over the top so they are crispy when cooked. This was followed by an small omelette with a croissant stuffed with lettuce, tomato, ham polony and cheese on the side. Not exactly to our taste but certainly sufficient. The soup was quite delicious it was the wertern attempt that didn't quite come off.
Over and out , we will be home in Perth early hours of tomorrow morning.

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