Thursday 3 September 2015

Mt Washington and North Conway.

Our drive from Arcadia to Mt Washington went very smoothly. Once again along forested roads that were quiet because it was a local highway not a motorway. The trees are just starting to show patches of red leaves. We arrived early enough that we decided to drive to the top of Mount Washington that afternoon. As this is a State Park we had not realised that the road to the top has been privately owned since the area was developed and as such we had to pay $38 to drive on it. It was quite a hairy drive as although it was sealed it was only just wide enough for two cars with a steep drop off right beside the road. If the oncoming driver was chary about going close to the edge it was  tight squeeze. The views from the top and the historic accounts of the early development were worth the drive. We couldn't see New York as they had promised because of the haze but the view was stunning anyway.
Next morning we decided on a drive through the Park to visit a couple of waterfalls. Our research told us that there were waterfalls quite close to the road and it seemed that we were in for a relaxing day. What wasn't said was that the walks were  1/2 a mile and 1.4 miles STRAIGHT UP. We did make it because fortunately we had done the short walk first and then wouldn't give up on the longer walk. They were both beautiful falls when we did arrive but I had to wet my hat to cool down as it was 80 F degrees and very humid. It took us and hour and a quarter to walk up the longer trek and only half an hour returning because this was all down hill. The return was also assisted by chatting to a couple from Colarado as we walked which helped to pass the time.
When we returned and had had a rest we went forth to tackle the Outlet stores that were right beside our motel. When we had finally worked out the layout we headed to the Rockport store. Coincidentally they were having a fantastic sale because they have changed ownership and were disposing of all the stock of the previous owners. All womens shoes were $25 and all the mens were $40. We left after about half an hour with 2 pair for Bob and 1 pair for me. Unfortunately they did not have any sandals for me but I am still hoping that I will find some when we go back down south.
Today we have driven along the Kamcamagus Highway through the State Park that surrounds it. Once again we have stopped at overlooks and walked up to a waterfall but this really was an easy walk to probably the most spectacular fall of all. From there we drove over the border into Vermont almost sraight across the state and are staying in motel near Burlington.
More exploration tomorrow.

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