Monday 31 August 2015

Augusta to Arcadia NP

Our relaxing day was actually fairly active. We drove out of Augusta around some pf the lakeside communities as planned. Then went to find a walk trail we had seen marked on the map. This was a Round Hill Trail which which didn't aim for the summit of the hill as the name implies. Never the
less it was quite steep up and down at times and was four miles long (7 kms). The path was through tall forest almost all the way so it was comfortable walking. We had a few moments of bemusement almost half way round. We knew there was a short spur trail to take in the views and thought we must be getting close. Suddenly the trail did give us a view of the lakes below but then the trail ended. We didn't think we were on the spur because we had seen no sign. After hunting around we decided that we had no option but to return. And yes after 300 yards we found the biggest signs nailed to a tree telling us we had gone down the spur.Very relieved we finished the walk in fine style.
The next morning we drove down to the coast and once we reached Camden we followed Hway 1 around the coast to Trenton which is just short of Arcadia  National Park. After lunch we decided to explore the non National Park side of Desert Mountain Island.This is the private side of the island and base to lots of fishermen. We visited one of the old lighthouses which is now automatic and the building is privately owned. However there was a Lighthouse man/ gude there to answer questions. In conversation we asked him what was the best ocean fish caught locally. He nominated Haddock and the next logical question was where we should go to try some. He suggested a small restaurant in Bass Harbor and we decided it was near enough to dinner time to check it out. We ordered one Haddock dinner, one soft shell lobster and a side salad and shared the spoils. Complimented by a bottle of Riesling it was delicious.
This morning we went out to the Park quite early because we had been warned that it gets busy as the day progresses and we had noted that two cruise ships were due into Bar Harbor. After stopping at a couple of overlooks we went into Sand Beach. You might think this is a pretty mundane name but most of the coast around the Park is Pink granite and in fact 60 % of beaches in Maine are stony due to glacier activity in it' s long ago. By thetime we finished the walk the beach was packed with people, especially children building sand castles.
We tackled a walk up to Great Head which was moderate difficulty and once again mostly shaded. This is the thing most surprising to me about the Maine coast in that the forest grows right down to the beach. We then went on to complete the circuit road stopping off at Jordan Pond (a pretty lake) and Cadillac Hill where the views were stunning.
Lunch today was a lobster and salad sandwich which was delicious even though they each cost as much as our main courses last night. After an after lunch kip we went into Bar Harbor for a stroll around. It was just as touristy as we had anticipated but very pretty just the same.
More later

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