Wednesday 19 August 2015


We flew out of Dallas with clear skies after Mike had very kindly driven us the three hours from Allen  Oklahoma. All went smoothly depite some predicted turbulance until we were about 30 minutes away from Chicago. The pilot informed us that we were being placed in a holding pattern due to thunderstorms over Chigago. There was currently a two hour delay in landing patterns due to the build up of aircraft waiting to land and as we didn't have sufficient fuel to ride that out we were going to land at Kansas City. As we landed  we were told we would be able to disembark but just as people started to get off the plane the news changed and we were told we would be leaving in 35 minutes so we were to remain on the plane. Fortunately it was quite a comfortable aircraft with good leg room. We then took off for Chigago and landed after a reasonably short holding pattern over Chigago. However this had turned our two and a half hour flight into to a five hour one.
We caught the train into the city and found our hostel without difficulty. As it was by now 8.30 pm we went stright out to find the recommended restaurant which was about four blocks away. After one block it started to rain and by halfway down the next block we had retreated to a recessed doorway listening to the thunder and watching the lightning and rain coming down in stair rods.
That's where we stayed for the next hour until it finally eased enough for us to hussle to the restaurant. Of course we didn't have jackets or umbrellas as it had been warm and dry when we left our accommodation and we didn't understand Chicago weather. The restaurant staff kindly provided about a ream of paper towel for us to mop up and we then had an enjoyable dinner.
Yesterday we set off to explore. We caught the Hop on Hop off bus as the most efficient way to see the most in the available time. This worked well and we did almost the entire circuit before getting off for a saunter along the river walk. We then made our way back to the hotel going past the Alamo centre where we collect the car this mornimg  and down the most affordable of the shopping streets. It was a lovely clear day. Last night we went out to dinner armed with jackets and my umbrella and watched bemused as the same thunderstorms as the previous night developed while we sat eating our meal. This time we made it back to our accommodation without problems but it did scotch the plan to take the gratis night bus tour to look at the city lights from the open top deck of the bus.
We  are impressed with Chicago and could probably spend more time here given another opportunity.  The city has worked hard to make its downtown attractive and takes great pride it it's focus on  reducing it's carbon footprint. We sat in briefly on a free riverside talk about the architecture which detailed how some of the old buildings are being gutted and refurbished rather than tearing  them down. One new building has been designed to achieve the highest environmental rating and cycles river water through the building to cool the infrastructure machinery then cleans the water before returning it to the river. Being summer there are flowers and planter boxes everywhere and the city boasts 500 parks which makes up for the absence of  street trees.
Today we are driving to Michigan.

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