Thursday 13 August 2015

New Orleans

Mike chose the coastal route for the drive to New Orleans. This was very flat country with frequent views of the ocean of the Mexican Gulf,  two car ferries and numerous draw bridges across the bayous ( large creeks).  All the houses were built on very tall  poles to manage flooding. A long but interesting drive so we opted to over night 2 hours short of New  Orleans so that we didn't arrive tired and disorganised. It was a good call because in the comfort of our hotel room that night we found a bargain priced reservation at the Crown Plaza Hotel  on the corner of Canal and Bourbon Streets in the French Quarter of New Orleans and here we are. It is an older but very gacious version of the hotel chain and located right on the edge of the action. We went straight out for a look at the area but it is still very hot and humid here and after a couple of hours we retreated to the airconditioning for a rest with a high calorie bag of pralines from the reputed master confectioners in town. We did see the market square, the mighty Mississippee and its levee banks, the tourist paddle steamers and an art store run as a cooperative.
Seven o'clock saw us revitalised and retored. We walked up Bourbon Street looking at all the burgeoning action and then went into Frenchman Street because the Visitor Centre Staff had told us that is where we would find the best food and music. Enroute Mike engaged a local sitting on his verandar having a quiet drink and he  advised us to go to Adolpho's on Frenchman for the best Italian Creole food. And it was truly wonderful food with friendly family environment and reasonable prices. Walking home we sat for a while in an open courtyard listening to old jazz favourites played by accomplished musos and Lou and I indulged in Mango dacquries.
Fairly blissful night then home to a comfortable bed. The adventure continues.

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