Tuesday 11 August 2015

Seabrook near Houston

Our goal when leaving  San Antonio was to  visit The NASA  Space Centre. Serious checking of  the accommodation options and figuring distances and directions  brought us to the decision that we didn't need to stay in  the centre of Houston but in  this smaller resort community just down the road from NASA. On the coast with direct access to calm water it is populated with zillions of boats and marinas clustered around a couple of food and entertainment options. The receptionist at the motel directed us to a nearby "mom & pop" operated restaurant for lunch and the local boardwalk entertainment area for dinner and we ate good reasonably priced seafood. For those of you who have seen "Forrest Gump" you will probably be amused to know that we had our evening meal at "Bubba Gump's" where shrimp was rhe specialty.
Sunday afternoon was still the steamy heat that is typical  hear so after sleeping off our lunch we spent a couple of hours at the Mall checking out the shopping. Bob scored a very nice pair of casual shoes and I bought some cosmetics at half the Auatralian prices.
Yesterday we spent the greater part of the day at NASA. The space centre public access is operated by a not for profit organisation and they do it well. The entry statement is just being up graded and is a 747 with the Space Shuttle on it's back. Collaboration with other countries to access the space station means it has been retired as the US presses on with it's Mars project. I was not anticipating being fascinated by the displays but they are extremely well done and I was. Probably the highlight was lucking on a tour around the Applo Saturn 5 rocket (external). The guide was a retired NASA project engineer who really knew his stuff and told stories about the astronauts and the project that were very entertaining.
Over and out.

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