Tuesday 5 July 2016

100 kms West of Eucla

We had a fairly leisurely start this morning. We had slept well despite the road trains thundering through the night. They might have ceased at some stage but I wasn't awake to check. We were doing a bit of advanced preparation for the border patrol at Border Village. Bob made sure that all the surplus mud was brushed off the camper as we had been told that a dim view was taken of importing SA mud. Maria and Roland chopped and browned our remaining onions and some garlic ready for our Chilli Con Carne dinner tonight. I had parboilded the surplus potatoes and frozen them last night so we have some for dinner tomorrow night if we are off the road.
We then set off for the Head of the Bight to go whale spotting. This is another place Bob and I have passed by a number of times. We did not regret the detour. The 12 km access road is now sealed and we discovered that it is actually a national marine park. Something we had not realised before. When we arrived we were told there were whales in residence which was a great relief given that M&R were keen to see them. We discovered that there has been very extensive walkways and lookout points developed right to and along the cliff top giving excellant viewing. There were about 4 whales with calves and two were in close to the cliffs; probably within 100 metres. We  watched for quite some time as the two closest rolled around in the waves and waved their flippers in the air. We read that the cows roll onto their backs to stop their greedy calves from suckling.
We then moved on to the border and found that our preparations had paid off and we had an amiable but thorough border inspector woman and had no problems. We did have to give her the last of our precious Karri honey as we had not managed to finish it despite the best efforts of all of us. However we had expected this to be so.
From there we went down to the Old Telegraph Station where Bob  and I had not been for many years. We found that the sand level had increased in that time and there was a lot more vegetation around the area. It seems that the dunes in this spot have stabalised over time.
We then drove down the road until we found a Parking area which had extensive area and sheltering trees behind it. This is just past Munderabilla Roadhouse. I have the luxury of writing this while Maria prepares dinner. And now it is time to eat.

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