Friday 1 July 2016

Wilpenna Pound, FRNP

We had sunny but cold weather yesterday. Before we set off from Blinman Maria and I did some laundry at the towns only option; the hotel laundry. Meanwhile the men hosed yet another load of mud off the vehicles. This is especially useful for the camper as we are getting covered in red mud each time we set up otherwise. I have adopted a hint from Maria and bought some gardening gloves to wear when we are setting up and breaking camp. Just the same my hands are cracked and dry. I really feel for the early pioneers who didn't have the luxury of hand lotion though I suppose they had lanolin in the sheep country.
We drove into the Park from the north and headed for Branchina Gorge. Along the way there is interesting information about the different geological eras and the type of rocks that were formed. The whys and wherefores. The Gorge itself was stunnning and the cameras were getting a workout. We saw a Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby. He tried  to hide when I was pointing him out to M&R but then got impatient and dived out from behind the sreening bush and made a dash for more  substantial cover. There are kangaroos and euros everywhere there is new grass and that is over a lot of the country. About 3pm we decided to look for camping and stopped at a couple of advertised stations. The first was booked out and the second one had no one home. It is the beginning of the SA school holidays! With some trepedation we went  on to the Wilpenna Pound resort and found it was not overcrowded. We set ourselves up comfortably, cooked our lamb chops in the camp kitchen and went early to bed because it was bloody cold and we hadn't collected firewood in our anxiety to find somewhere to stay. That is the priortity for today along with finding some more beautiful scenery.

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