Sunday 25 March 2018

Saigon Saturday 24th

We went a bit more slowly on Saturday. This was partly because the walking on Friday had antagonised the bursitis Bob has developed on his right knee. We started with a gentle stroll through the 10 hectare Park just near our hotel. The write up we had seen indicated that we would not only enjoy the trees and open space but see the locals taking their exercise. What we hadn't realised was that because it was Saturday the park was a mecca for families having breakfast at small cafes around the fringes. It was very social and the children running around increased the vibrancy. We also saw a wedding party which had attracted a flotilla of photographers and a young model being captured on the surrounds of a beautiful lilly pond (photographically).
There were young men playing foot badminton, children on roller skates, people doing ti chi, and some like us just strolling and taking in the scene.
From there we walked to the Fine Arts Museaum. This is located in 3 buildings from the French Colonial ere so was worthwhile in itself. The art ranged from traditional lacquer paintings through to modern impressionist and some excellant bronze sculptures depicting head and shoulders of women from different ethnic groups. There was a lot of space given to depictions of war scenes and although the skill was unquestionable we were quite pleased to move on to the more modern works. Some we walked past quite quickly but some was either beauitiful or striking. Unfortunately after climbing up to the third floor I came over dizzy and felt faintly nauseated thereafter so I didn't take as much interest afterwards. I moved from bench to bench and viewed from a sitting position. There was a very nice Special Exibition in one gallery with the hopeful  Artist sitting with his paintings. I think perhaps Bob was contemplating the possibility of purchasing one but the logistics were just too difficult.
Due to my wobbly condition we went back to the hotel by taxi and I took some electrolyte drink and had a rest. This seemed to solve the problem so we went to a nearby restaurant for lunch. This little restaurant was quite close but tucked away up a nearby laneway and we had almost given up trying to work out how to get there. It serves only a five course set menu but fortunately the serves are small and we came away satisfied but not stuffed.
After another horizontal rest we ventured out for dinner. This time we took a taxi over to a busier area to a large restarant recommended by our receptionist. Being Saturday night the traffic was bumper to bumper and the trip was slow. As well our driver knew the street but not the restaurant. It was a long street and the numbers on  opposite sides didn't match. Unfortunately our helpful receptionist was one digit out giving us the number which had us looking on the wrong uneven number side of the street. The frustrated driver ended up at the right number but the wrong place. We gave up at this point having realised the problem and walked back which required two death defying street crossings and at least half a kilometre. The meal and the people watching was good so we enjoyed the restaurant which rounded off the day.

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