Thursday 5 April 2018

SA PA Day 2

We spent a leisurely day yesterday to recover from our strenuous day the one before. Ingrid as the one who is most desk bound had sore calves. Bob's knee is better but still needing some nursing along. We wandered down through town to the markets and bought some fruit but are saving most of our purchases to deal direct with the producers. The women from the villages come in to the town square to sell their embroidered items. We spoke to two on our way home from dinner last night. They were from one of the smaller communities who came with goods from the local group leaving their children to be cared for in the community. They have one day per week off (Sunday) to relax. They walk in and out ( actually up and down ) carrying heavy loads.  They succeeded in persuading Ingrid and me to buy small purses that we didn't need but $6 Australian was a small price to pay for the conversation. We see some who bring their children with them and the children are sometimes carrying their baby siblings.  Other women may bring in fresh produce in large baskets on their backs. Some try to enviegle us to let them act as their guides to take us out to their village but when they start mentioning a ten kiilometer walk we quickly tell them we are too old. Mainly because once again this would be up and down over rough paths.
Coming back to our yesterday activities we walked back from the market via the central lake which is beautiful. Had lunch of Bah Mi which is a large crusty baguette roll with fillings. Yesterdays was different in that the filling of minced beef, egg and herbs had been cooked as a scrambled mix and served beside the roll. We were provided with a spoon to scoop it up and fill the roll to our specifications. While we were there we watched the proprietor scooping huge trout and another unnameable fish out of the glass tank out front to fill orders. He neatly dispatched them with a blow to the head from a large wooden waddy, weighed them and took them inside to be packed in polystyrene coolers for delivery.
Rest time was then followed by a massage for everyone bar Bob who distains such remedies. We three had delightful young hotel employees giggle over the long legs they had to deal with and engage us in conversation to improve their already respectable English. Last night Elise once again had a man ask her to pose for a photograph with him. This was in full view of his family and caused great delight because he reached up to her armpit. We did notice that the male  dancers in the Hmong village were significantly taller than most men. Whether this is privaledged diet, specific selection or other factors we can only guess.
Dinner last night was tasty Vietnamese food as usual but Ingrid and I did indulge in a tart each from the Patisserie nearby and it was delicious.

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