Thursday 1 November 2018

France: Lyon 1/ 11

This was a very domestic day. We slept in for what was for us an unheard of hour of 9am. Then did our washing in the machine in the apartment. It was just a short walk around the corner to the laundromat for the driers. They have installed huge driers to take 14kg which could handle double our load so everything was ready to take home quite quickly.. We then caught the bus up to the old centre of the city to buy lunch and checkout restaurants. We found a few up around the Hotel de Ville ( town hall). This is an easy commute by bus so dinner was solved. We also tracked down one recommended in Lonely Planet but as we were studying the menu a friendly staff member came out and informed us they were booked out till next Tuesday, apparrently by tour groups.
We ambled around that quarter going down streets we hadn't explored before and took some wicked almond croissants home for afternoon tea. Dinner at our selected resaurant was an entetaining people watching exercise as it was a combined bar and bistro. The menu was definately tourist focused but with enough local dishes of raw meat an unmentionable sausage to suit the locals. Since I had fish last night and Bob had the chicken we both settled on steak. This was tender and came with an interseting pat of Roqufort blue cheese to have with the meat. Other than that it was a pile of fries and heap of lettuce with a good dressing.
For our last day we are going on a walking History tour so more tomorrow.

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