Thursday 1 November 2018

Photos of our Lyon Apartmennt 1/11

 I know I have sent this before but as we walked past it yesterday we realised there was fine water spray coming from the horses nostills to look like steam and tried to capture it in the photo.
 Kitchen area.  Note the colanda  light fitting. There were three thank godness as they didn't shed much light. The building standards would never pass in Australia. The door on the RHS opens to the toilet. Right handy to the kitchen but we used the downstairs bedroom which required careful negotiation  of the spiral stairs during the night.
 Bedroom and bathroom in the basement. There is a second bedroom above the kitchen but we just stole the pillows from there for when we were reading/blogging.
This sculpture is on the river bank. It was part of a sculpture competition and then the City bought it. I have seen similar work elsewhere but this is the most spectacular.

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