Sunday 10 April 2016

Ceduna to Port Augusta

We had a lovely relaxed day in Ceduna yesterday for my birthday. Our motel was 2 kms from the centre of town so we did plenty of walking by the time we had walked to the Sailing Club for dinner on Friday and into town for breakfast and dinner on Saturday. Ceduna is quite geared for the tourist trade but by this time of year it is still very much a country town. The bakery was the only place open for breakfast but fortunately they served bacon and eggs so Bob was happy. After doing our washing back at the motel we went for a ride to do some shopping and see some of the local beauty spots. There is a wonderful masaic tile memorial to people lost at sea. Bob promised me oysters for lunch but then got distracted by the Subway sign at one of the roadhouses. Instead we had some as entre when we went for dinner at the Foreshore Hotel Bistro. Just as well we were walking home as dinner was substantial. During the afternoon we went out to Shelley Beach Caravan Park. There is a group of people from Walpole and Manjimup who spend various periods there about this time each year. And they are all grouped in Walpole Street of the Park which has been named in recognition  of their loyalty.
This morning we set off early as breakfast was just a muffin and coffee in our room. It was almost too early as although the town was in bright sunshine we discovered a bank of mist surrounding the town as we rode out. It lasted for about 30 kms but as we had our warm gear on we were OK. The ride to Port Augusta went smoothly and our motel accommodation is very comfortable. Small friendly place with complimentry continental breakfast and nearby Bistro for dinnner.
Off to Mildura tomorrow.

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