Friday 8 April 2016

Norseman to Ceduna

We left Kalgoorlie by about 9am and had a good run down to Norseman. We went into the town and while there had a chat with a pensioner who described how the town was shrinking as the mining dried up and families left town. The baker was still running the Cafe thank goodness and we bought really nice sandwiches to take with us as we knew we were unlikely to get anything as good out on the next phase of the run.The weather was sunny and about 20C all day but the cross wind was a bit of a nuisence. Almost perfect riding really. We stopped to eat our sandwiches at a Parking area and arrived at Caiguna at 3pm. This was a bit early but we could see all the units were filling up and decided not to gamble on accommodation further up the road. All day there had been a steady stream of mptorbikes heading west which we thought was probably people from the Ulysses Easter AGM heading home. If there were more of them coming though we could find all the accommodation taken. Also Telstra was having problems again so we couldn't phone ahead to check. As it was we could only get a budget room at Caiguna which was a bed with clean sheets, a shower and tea and coffee facilities. It was quite nice to stop early and we went for a walk over to the airstrip and then to the Caiguna hole of the Nullabor Links Golf Course. It was good to get a walk.
This morning Bob was up early because he knew we had already lost an hour with the travel east. We had breakfast and were on the road by 8-30 Central time. Again we had near perfect riding conditions all day. We were at the WA/SA border by 12md. Bought our lunch at Eucla and again took it with us to eat along the road. We were making really good time when we arrived at Nullabor Roadhouse and found their price for a standard room was $160. We decided to keep going but first I insisted that I needed a coffee. Bob had promised one at Mundarabilla and then zoomed straight past. The coffee and the break gave us a boost so when we arrived at Nundroo and found it just as sad and unloved as last time we were there it was easy to decide to keep going the 150kms to Ceduna. We have checked into the motel we had booked  for tomorrow night and will now have tomorrow to relax in Ceduna which is quite a nice town. We followed our hosts recommendation and had dinner at the sailing club. Much like the Walpole Country Club and volunteers serve dinner each Wed and Fri during the tourist season. We had the local specialty; Whiting and it was very good.
Tomorrow we will probably catch up with some of the Walpole crowd who come over to a beach near here every year. Also plan to go to the Bistro at the pub for dinner for my birthday.
The WiFi at this motel is not functioning so I will publish the story at the Visitors Centre tomorrow.

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