Saturday 16 April 2016

Hervey Bay

We left Brisbane in showery conditions which was a bit scary because we were in a hilly part of town and the roads had the potential to be slippery. We had breakfast at a cafe on the outskirts of the city and missed the heaviest rain. We arrived in Bribie Island at about 10-30 and explored the shopping centre while we waited for Owen to finish his contract postie round. Bob and Owen enjoyed their "do you remember -----" session and then Joanne prepared a very nice early lunch for us. We were on the road again by 1pm and enjoyed the scenery on the last stretch. We saw our first sugar cane and pinapple plantations around Maryborough.
Our accommodation at The Palms CP is a fairly recently renovated and installed cabin and is comfortable with all our basic wish list items. The only drawback is erratic WiFi which means this is my second attempt at this blog. Yesterday was the busy day of the meeting. We all had our bikes polished up for the parade through town and then parked them on the foreshore for a couple of hours for the locals to admire. After lunch it was the AGM and it proceeded smoothly. There were a few hilarious moments and lots of cameras snapping when a beautiful Rainbow Lorikete landed on the head of a man who was wearing a headscarf.  It just sat there and it's mate swung off the marquee support having a good look as well. They didn't leave until encouraged to depart by the victim.
The formal dinner last night was at The Boat Club. We had pre dinner drinks overlooking the marina. The food was delicious and  it was very tempting to eat too much. Bob and I were the winners of the longest ride and longest pillion ride again and will have to buy a post box to send them home.
Today was a free day and we went to have lunch with Brian (Kit) Carson who was our riding companion from Perth to Tasmania in 1972. He is hale and hearty and getting on with his life. His major priority is fishing and he has just snagged a part time position as  manager of a property with a long protected river frontage and plenty of fish.
Tomorrow is another quiet day before we head out across Queensland for the Northern Territory. Question for Eleanor and Hannah
How many toys on the bike and sidecar?

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