Sunday 3 September 2017


Today we adjusted our plans and decided on a 1.5 mile walk out to Rocky Point on Lake McDonald. This gave us quite a good view across part of the lake that minimised the effect of the smoke. We then retaced our steps and drove up to a tiny place 20 miles up the road called Polebridge. I had visions of an old wooden bridge but the expanse across the river was very wide so it was concrete pylons with huge logs hoizonally as rails to stop the drivers sliding off when it is icey.  We went for a walk through the pines which were regrowth from a fire in 2003 and across a grassy meadow. I had a vague hope we might see a deer grazing but it was not to be. By then it was late lunch time and we headed back towards the Park Entrance to look for a picnic spot. Imagine our amazement when a medium size Black Bear lolloped across the road in front of us. He was very handsome but you will have to take my word for it because he didn't stop for photos. I was sooooo excited to see a real bear. Shortly afterwards we passed a deer browsing on the verge. It lifted the whole day. We then  gave up on the Park as this side was crowded wth all the people like us who couldn't access the trail to the east of the lake. Instead Bob remembered there was a recreation area on our way back to Kalispell, the Hungry Horse Reservoir. We had a very relaxed lunch then  took the car to the car wash because it was very dusty. And now I am writing to you.

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