Sunday 17 September 2017

San Francisco 17/9

Yesterday we returned the car to Alamo and there weren't even any raised eyebrows at the 5000+ miles that we had used. The young woman even gave Bob a $50 refund for the oil and filters change that he had paid for. The mechanic told us that the air filter was dirty from all the smoke we had been driving through.
We then caught the train from the Airport into town for some final bits of shopping. Bob was a bit amazed at the quantity of seersucker that I bought for new table cloths for the Country Club but the US is the only place to buy 60 inch wide seersucker and we need that width. I only bought enough for three cloths but that is quite a bulky parcel and he always has caniptions about my shopping. We always fit it in and we always comply with the weight rules.😀
From downtown we walked uppp over the hill and dooown the hill to the Fishermen's Market for lunch. We opted to walk because we couldn't find the bus stop for the trolley bus and the old fashioed Powell Street tourist trolley had huge queues. After we crested the hill I said that I had been happy to walk one way but we needed to find a ride back!
We had a crab salad for lunch just to experience the tourist thing  but agreed that we had been spoilt but eating our own marron. The crab was just the meat from the claws and not from the body of the crab, Then we found the trolley bus stop and rode in comfort back to the train station for the trip back to the hotel.
Last night we went to the Japanese/Korean restaurant across the road and had a great Koream BBQ dinner. Bob has plans for Udon Soup for lunch after we have been for a walk along the foreshore.
This will probably be my last post from the USA as we have to vacate the hotel in the morning and fly out just before midnight tomorrow. I have scoped out showers at the airport so we can wash off the days sweat before we board and to fill in some time. It will no doubt be a long day. Talk to you when we get home.

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