Sunday 10 September 2017

Seattle Day 2

This was the morniing set aside for the "hop on, hop off " troĺley. The bus stops were not particularly  well marked so we had another walk past the markets before we tracked one down. The day was cool and even threatened rain so it was good weather for sitting is the enclosed area. The commentary was interesting and we saw most of the run by the time we decided to hop off at the waterfront for a cup of clam chowder and a shared fish (halibut) and chips. By then it was attractive to wander through the shopping area and we found some bargains in Maceys. This then requird some rest and recuperation and we retired to our room and spent some time planning the route down through Oregon and northern California for our last week.
Bob still hadn't found a pair of sneakers he had been hunting so we checked out Google and walked back up to Downtown to Nordstrum Rack. Nordstrum's is the swankiest shop in Seattle but Rack is their outlet store next door. The shop was packed with their last seasons unsold items. Bob quite quickly found a pair of sneakers that he was delighted with at a very low price. Then he suggested I take a turn even though I knew I had done my dash with shoes. Wonder of wonders I found a pair of Sketches golf shoes for $20. Irresistible.
By then it was late evening and we headed for the waterfront looking for somewhere to eat. It was beautiful down there with everything from the ferris wheel down brightly lit in neon. By the time we walked up to the markets we discovered that they close up early even on a Saturday night. We chose a nearby restaurant and had  a pricey and our

first disappointinng meal. You can't win them all.

The photo is of an amazing building housing a museum of Pop Culture.

A fantastis playground for children.

The famous Space Needle built for the World Fair in the 1960's

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