Sunday 23 February 2020

Laos: LP Day 3 23/2

We had a lovely day today. Went by minibus to Tat Kuang Si Waterfalls and Bear Rescue Centre. The falls area is protected forest and we didn't realise until we got there that the bear rescue centre is located in the grounds. This is a very polished set up started by an Australian woman. I remember the publicity when she started fund raising. We had some fun watching the bears antics as they worked at getting their fruit out of the treat containers. These were a large drum which rolled on a spindle and plastic balls suspended on chains. They also had huge hammocks made out of rope and lined with large leaves that they could snooze in.
The waterfall/s are beautiful with clear mountain water coloured blue by the calcium carbonate from the rocks. I will send  numerous photos. It is possible to swim in the lower pools and our fellow pasengers said it was very cold. The two Aussies sitting near us had come off their motorbike and they said the fish startled them by coming and nibbling at their scabs.
We walked up to the highest level which was not difficult and  the most beautiful  part of the falls. We saw a bit more of the countryside on the 30km trip which took an hour each way because of the winding nature of the road and roadworks. Also saw what seemed to be teak plantations, lots of vegetable growing and lots of buffaloes.
This afternoon we walked around to the supermarket again in persuit of fresh milk and then had a very nice dinner at a restaurant just around the corner. And so to bed.
I will post the photos in the morning as I need stronger wifi than we receive in our room.

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