Monday 24 February 2020

Last Day in Lao

Yesterday we walked down to the Royal Palace Complex which has been renamed as the National Museum since 1975 when the country became the Peoples Democratic Republic of Laos. The building is a French Colonial contruction of 1904 but built to accommodate the Lao lifestyle. The displays were well set out and interesting showing historical Buddhist artifacts and the regalia and history of the monarchy. The Royal Ballet Theatre is also on site and performs traditional stories three nights per week. No cameras are permitted so this will be just the wriiten story.
Afterwards we walked through the Morning Market again. Once again we were impressed by the size of some of the fish on display for sale. These are locally caught in the Mekong and include catfish, some scaled fish, and some that resemble barramundi.  We then walked back to the hotel via the river one last time. After our afternoon relax we organised our packing and discussed the taxi to the airport with staff. A very typical last day.
We have really enjoyed LP and are glad we had the 6 days here. Today we fly to Bangkok for an overnight stay. This is to avoid an 11 hour hiatus between flights if we had continued straight home to Perth. So we will be home early on Thursday morning after an overnight flight.

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