Friday 21 February 2020

Laos, Luang Prabang Day 2.

This morning we had decided on a boat trip up the Mekong to the Pak On Cave complex. This was really more to enjoy the river scenery than to visit the cave complex. We had been solicited by a local spruker yesterday to go on the boat trip and opted for that arrangement as it didn't include expensive extras that we didn't want. However when he wasn't as the appointed meeting place five minutes after 9am we approached another man we had also seen yesterday who said "I have a boat and can take you up the River".  We negotiated a price and destination with him excluding a stop off at the "Whisky Village".   He did in fact have access to a boat which was a smaller version of the tour boats we had seen setting out and we had exclusive occupancy. It was pleasantly cool on the river which is very clean this close to the headwaters. We could almost see through the clear blue green water. The caves didn't do much for me but were interesting enough.  Life and lifestyles along the river were much more interesting. I will include more photos tomorrow.

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