Sunday 3 December 2017


Street market sellers.
Bananas by the bunch. This is the side street where our hotel is located, just up on the right.
Paddy fields seen from the train.
Yangon Town Hall.

Myanmar Vibe Hotel 4th Dec.

Today is our last day of the holiday. We have the morning to potter around and then need to head out to the airport early afternoon. We spent yesterday strolling around the central area picking up a few last minute purchases and watching the action. As it was Sunday the traffic was a bit quieter but the markets in the side streets were still busy with street cafes and fresh vegetables and fruit.
We saw the congregation leaving the Baptist Church which is near the centre of the city, close by the Buddhist pagoda which is next door to the main Mosque.  Our guides had pointed out that Burma usually operates on the basis of religious tolerance. The problems with the Rohinga seem to arise from increasing illegal settlement. I will comment more on that at another time but we have actually been far away from those events and probably know no more than anyone else in the west.
We will go down to breakfast shortly which was an interesting mix of Asian and Western yesterday. We had a bowl of lightly curried noodle soup with pieces of the local version of  sweetcorn pancake broken up in it. These pancakes are wafer thin and cooked on a hot plate with the corn sprinkled over the top so they are crispy when cooked. This was followed by an small omelette with a croissant stuffed with lettuce, tomato, ham polony and cheese on the side. Not exactly to our taste but certainly sufficient. The soup was quite delicious it was the wertern attempt that didn't quite come off.
Over and out , we will be home in Perth early hours of tomorrow morning.

Saturday 2 December 2017


Yangon Railway Station
Waiting area then there are the 7 platforms.
Mandarin seller working his way down he aisle.

Myanmar 2nd Day: Hotel Vibe

Yesterday all the  farewells were said to the friends whose company we enjoyed and Bob and I settled down to wait until the last transfers to airport and up market hotel were made. Because Bob and I had made independent arrangements we were asked to wait until 9-15 when they would call a taxi and help us with our luggage. As it developed the "Big Boss" (owner of the boat) was casting an eye over Travel Marvel's operation and he told the staff to use one of the two cars he had in the car park. So we were transferred to our hotel in the latest model Suzuki sedan but not the BMW. We had the inhouse manager of the staff accompany us as interpretor because the driver did not speak English. Thus we arrived at our 2 star hotel on the edge of China Town in style. Our hotel is new and the room has all the requisite comforts though in minamilist format. The bathroom is about western standard toilet size so we tuck our knees in under the hand basin to sit. The shower, like our hotel in Manadalay in a hand held version without surrounds and the water drains straight across the floor to the drain. It works surprisingly well if you remember to put the lid down on the toilet seat so it is not wet when you next want to use it.
We were able to access our room straight away when we arrived so we sorted ourselves out then went for a walk. The Circuit Train had been recommended by our guides and all the travel sites so we walked through town to the colonial era train station. This is still very busy as it is the cheapest though slowest way to travel. The Circuit is through numerous small towns on the fringes of Yangon and several have major markets, though every town has it's own market. The distance is only 35 kms but it takes 3 hours because the old narrow gauge track has not been well maintained and it only averages 14 kms/ hour. We did enjoy some aspects of the trip but it was a very uncomfortable 3 hours. The seats were molded plastic that ran along the walls so we had numb backsides after 1 hour never mind 3. We were lucky to establish ourselves close to a doorway so got the breeze when the train was moving. The outside scene was limited by the number of passengers standing in the aisles and was only really interesting at the extremity of the circuit where the countryside was rural and the crowd had thinned. What was fascinating was observing the activities of our fellow passengers. Vacated seats were occupied with eal like alacrity. I only obtained a seat because I had refused an offer from a woman for her to stand in my place. She then stood before we reached her station so that there was no immediate competition for the space. Most people had been to the market and came on carrying bags of fresh veges but some were obviously loaded beyond personal consumption and were going to retail their purchases at their own village. The tiniest young woman was struggling to lift a large sack into the train and when I reached down to help her I nearly fell out myself. I had to regrip and heave and it turned out to be a load of melons which must have weighed as much as she did. I received a nod of approval from the old men across the aisle but they hadn't stirred themselves. The doorway was then occupied by an obviously inebriated but cheerful man who became helper for the women and we saw him being passed a ticket as his reward.
The most entertaining activity was watching the retailers who joined the train. Cold water, icypoles, a takeaway menu carried on a large tray on the sellers head. Bother, I missed that photo. Then there were laundry baskets of mandarines, bananas, grapes and some other small citrus. These were all advertised at top volume and there seemed to be some debate at times as to proprietry rights.
When we arived back we visited an up market supermarket to buy supplies and then taxied home. The 2 kms trip cost the equivalent of $2 Aussie. Last night we ate at a nearby restaurant and the total bill was less than the price of a pizza in Perth.

Friday 1 December 2017


Recling Buddha. The patterning on the feet are astrological signs as astrology is inter twined in Buddist beliefs here.
This is as much of the statue as fits in the view finder except the long viw above.
Royal Barge Restaurant which is a replica of how royalty used to travel up and down the Irrawaddy.
City Park. A larger Kings Park style one was also lovely but not so easy to photograph.

Princess Panhwar; Last Day

This morning is really the last day but we leave the boat straight after breakfast so yesterday was our last full day. We went on a walking tour of the city centre and were immediately  aware of how much more prosperous and well preserved Yangon is than Mandalay. This is a much more cosmopolitan  city due to it's long term role as the primary port of entry to the country. Also thanks to the British levy building in the colonial period the adjacent delta of the Irrawaddy (Ayarwaddy) is the main commercial rice producing area. There is a lot more adoption of Western dress but the longi is still prevalent as it is definately the most comfortable garment in the warm humid conditions.
I realised that I haven't talked about the traffic yet. Back in the 1990's the Military Regime decided to change from right hand drive to left hand drive. Just another abandoning of the colonial past but possibly also because Chinese influence was the main one when the western world was applying sanctions. However though the rules were changed finances did not allow for the vehicles to be changed. Thus in Mandalay almost all the cars and all thus buses were still right hand drive but driving on the right side of the road. Potentially dangerous but it was surprising how soon we stopped flinching because accidents are rare. Yesterday we were  noticing a lot of buses here are new and left hand drive and it was pointed out by our guide that this meant that they could be operated by one person. All our tourist coaches had two men on board and the support person had a more important legislated role than we had realised. They were officially a non contact driver who was responsible for watching traffic and giving the instruction about when it was safe to pull out into traffic and when to overtake. The traffic here in the city is typically full on and there are a lot more LHD cars because the Govt has introduced a policy of taking vehicles off people if they are 20 years old and giving them a voucher to buy a newly imported one. Unfortunately for many people the gap between the voucher value and the on road costs of a replacement do not match so they are forced to sell their voucher to a car importer and rely on public transport. Also unless you a very rich the "new" cars are second hand Japanese models which have already done 100,000 kms. There is a flourishing business in spare parts and reconditioning for some.
Our second stop was the Pagoda of the second largest reclining Budda in Myanmar. It is 70 metres long and was the longest until recently when another city built a bigger one. It was completely destroyed by Allied bombs in WW 2 as the Japanese utilising it as a barracks and headquarters.  This  obviated the same protection as Bagan. It took two yeas to rebuild in the 70's when funds became available because of the supply of bricks required. From there we went back downtown to the tourist trap markets common to most cities. We were warned before getting off the bus that it was not a reliable place to buy Burmese rubies as they are often fakes and offered a free extra tour in the afternoon to a reliable retailer. A couple who we have become friendly with decided to test out the suppliers in the market and received two quotes for identical versions of a ring they fancied that varied by $2000. They went to the recommended retailer in the afternoon to make their purchase. A couple who also went there and who hail from a Cape York cattle station laughingly told us that her ring cost 4 cows.
So today we move to our downtown hotel to make the most of our last two days.

Photos Yangon Day 14

Tour Director San talking to novice monks at Shwedagon Pagoda.
Shwedagon Stupa and surrounds Yangon.
Buddha Images in surrounds of Shwedagon Pagoda.

Thursday 30 November 2017

Myanmar Day 13 Yangon

It was down river to Yangon yesterday. We stopped at Maubin which is quite a large town and went for a walk around. We started at the market that is perched on top of  the levy bank which is mainly restaurants for local people and ready made products. Across the road was the large square market building which was primarily the tailoring centre. There were fabris and decorative fashion items everywhere. Women and men were using sewing machines that were like table models that predated my mother's Singer.
When we had wandered the market area we walked away from the river and found the residential area of the "well to do". The houses were substantial and stylishly decorated if they were new. In amongst them were the traditional wooden houses.
We then went down river to berth at Yangon. We are tied up to our sister ship the APT boat which we walk through to get to the wharf. From there it was coach to THE Pagoda, Shwedagon. This pagoda is known for the modern elegance of it's stupa (spire) which has a decorative ball studded with percious gems and the fact that the surrounds cover 5 hectares. This includes glass elevators on three sides and escalators at the fourth entrance. The surrounds are made up of prayer areas for the different days of birth, numerous Buddha representations,  prayer halls and a huge Banyan tree said to be a couple of hundred years old. The surrounds were relatively quiet when we arrived at 3-30 pm but the crowd gradually increased as we walked around taking it all in. Most conspicuous was the huge numbers of high school age monks who streamed in. Apparently they have been in nearby monsteries taking exams and now came for a visit. San, our guide for the afternoon asked a group if we could take their photo and when they agreed engaged them in conversation to take the stiffness from the scene.
Then it was back on the coaches and a terrifying trip back to the boat through peak hour traffic, Noone wanted to let the coaches in and it was a tussle of size verses determination. I was waiting for the crunch at any moment but our driver was very experienced. One of the other groups took 20 minutes longer to get back. Bob observed that he didn't think we would hire a car!

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Princess Panhwar Day 12 Trishaws in Danuphyu

Trishaws are actually known here as sidecars because the carriage is attached to the side of the bicycle. When we were being ushered to our individual rides I noticed that the seats were well padded with cushions and I thought how considerate this was. After I had been following in the trail of sidecars I realised this was a practical neccesity. The seats are designed for slim Burmese buttocks and ours would never fit in them so they pad the seat up so that we are just balancing on top. It was a fun ride after I stopped worrying about my slim but wirey peddler. Our group went to the market first following the usual practice of sending each group on a different order around the circuit. This is a more affluent town and the produce in the market was fresh and attractive in very colouful displays. From there we progressed to a cheroot workshop where we saw two versions being made. One was the cheaper option for the local farmers which was essentially a corn cob leaf rolled around the makings. We were told the risk of these was the potential to throw sparks which could burn holes in clothing. The others were more like the ones we see but still very cheap. A packet measured by what the packer could grasp in two hands cost $1 US.
The main focus of the trip this morning was a Monastery in the buildings which had been a University in colonial times. They were beautiful old buildings  which were now very underutilised. There are only 40 monks occupying a few of the buildings which were well maintained. There were quite a few others which are looking in need of maintenance. There was a significant difference between the building occupied by the Abbot which was beatifully painted and the one occupied by the novice monks which was minimally maintained. Ye Min our guide who has reached monk status but needs to earn a living explained that the Abbot is the highest status Monk in the area and known to be very strict. He said he thought the few novices who came here probably had a pretty miserable time with stict rules. He then told us about some of the hi jinks that the novices had managed at the monastery where he had trained. There were 700 monks and novices there so strict oversight was  not possible. Here there was a monument to General Maha Bandula who lead an army to the Burmese Indian border to prevent British invasion. Unfortunately the Brits out flanked him by approaching by sea and landing at what is now Yangong (Rangoon).
He was killed at this town when he hastily came south and the 1st Anglo Burmese War was lost.
There was a lecture in the afternoon about the country's natural resources and how the Chinese exploited the situation during the period when western countries including Australia imposed sanctions. The Chinese are still heavily involved to their continuing benefit.
Last night there was a concert performed by the crew for our entertainment. The performances were enthusiastic and ranged from comedy to group singing of popular western songs to traditional dance. We were all hauled up on the floor to participate  in the tradional New Year dance. Fortunately in the dim lighting and the crowd our fairly graceless efforts merged with the scene.

Tuesday 28 November 2017


Local take away restaurant
Welcoming Committee
Traditional house. Bamboo panels for coolness. Need to be replaced every 5 years. Wood still preferred but now very expensive as teak forestry is managed to avoid exploitation.

Princess Panhwar Day 10: Akauk Cliffs & Myanaung

We sailed down the Awarwaddy Delta yesterday. At the cliffs of the Akauk Mountain foothills the Captain slowed the boat and then did a complete "u" turn to give us a photo opportunity. Carved into the limestone cliff face were over 300 Buddha images. These were not just superficial reliefs but busts and a full reclining Buddha carved within deep niches. They had then been painted in the colours of monks robes or gold paint.The work has been carried out by the local fishermen over many years and is very skillful. From there we went on to the village of Myanaung for a walking tour. This fairly wealthy town had lots of colonial era homes many of which were still in use either as homes or more often businesses. Once again the British had left a heritage of dikes to stop flooding of the adjacent flood plain which had then been planted with rice and vegetable crops. The disadvantage is that the soil rich flood waters are no longer depositing the rich silt except where they have been able to divert water for irrigation. Thus they now need to use chemical fertiliser. The town also has the distinction of a Catholic Church. During the Britiah era it Was an Anglican Church but when they left the use changed. It now caters for a small congregation of Karons who are transfered into the town as goverment employees. Apart from about the fluctuating congregation of about five families the rest of the population are Buddhist. We naturally visited the Market area and found th sellers helpful but reserved until they saw that there was the chance of a sale. To our surprise we had a police escort as we progressed around town. He rode his motor bike alongside our group and as we turned down a path rather than the road he would race off and pop up again at the next junction. We learnt that the word for offering a bribe is "watering". This is a take on the practice of offering water to Buddha first thing in the morning along with any other offerings at the household shrine. This morning we went on another walking tour through a small and very poor riverside village, Shwe Kyin. We had quite a reception committee of children and their mothers. This is because the boat only calls here once a month and no other cruise line stops here. Another reason was that the crew set up a morning tea of cordial and cakes from the ship for the children. I was glad that I had supplimented our stock of stationary for the school donation at a recent big market especially because some of the other passengers didn't seem to have registered the suggestion that they split the supplies they had brought into two lots as there was this second opportunity. Here the people do not have many employment opportunities except labouring on the boats which dredge gravel from the river to be used in construction. It is hard work and the men tend to drink alcohol even at work on the boats. Education is only to primary level and then the 14 year olds start work. Again we had a police escort and were told that their main issues are drunkenness and domestic violence. There are also issues with amphetamine use which the men use to bolster them during the long physical working day. The two police officers walking with us today were very young and one was a very attractive woman. I was amused that just after I had casually taken a photo that incidently on purpose included the police woman I spotted her taking one of us on her mobile phone. This walk included many opportunities to see cooking methods, local shops, fish drying methods, to talk about housing and to see a local day care. This was because all these activities are focussed on and open to the one main street which is built along the to of the dike. The people didn't seem concerned that we were walking around talking about their lifestyle. I have been extremely grateful that the cruise company has not been so crass as to arrange intrusion into peoples homes. Tonight is the Cultural Night when we all get to wear our longis and are threatened with participation in Burmese dancing.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Myanmar Day 8/9 Minhla Fort & Pyay

This is likely to be brief because I have just lost 3/4 of a page due to a pop up of b---- Facebook. This is after not having connection all of yesterday. This morning we realised this had continued for too long and had SuSu our skilled receptionist find connection for us. Enough grumbling. At Minhla we visited the Fort built to repell British gun boats during the 3rd Anglo Burmese War in 1860. Built of brick it is still substantially intact but the local cannons were no match for British explosives. From there we went by horse and cart and tuktuks to the St Andrew's golf course built in 1870. It is affiliated with the Scottish course and enitled to the name. Here we had a putting competition between the three "families" that we are allocated to for logistical reasons. The groups remain the same throughout the cruise but the three tour leaders rotate between groups so that we have the benefit of their different backgrounds and experiences. Our yellow team came last because we had the roughest side of the green to putt from and the most novice golfers. That is our excuse and we are sticking to it. Yesterday we had a demonstration on how to tie our longi's ready for the cultural night coming up. They also showed us the multiple ways that the people use them and we could see why they are still the predominant mode of dress for men and women. A friend has loaned me one for the trip but I will buy one next time I get a chance in the market. I can see the advantages of having one when we go camping. They are a very discrete garment when changing or squatting behind a bush. After our "after lunch" nap we visited Pyay to visit the Museum and city walls of the ancient city Sri Ksetra which developed between the 2nd and 9th Century. The museum had a small collection of stone burial urns, frescos and statues of Buddha, metal implements and fine gold and silver jewellery. The valuable gold Buddhas are now in Yangon Museum after being sold of to an American and then returned by him so that they are more secure.The stupas are brick and are massive but simple in comparison with modern ones. Th city wall was 8 kms long and made of brick once again. It has been partially excavated and we could go for a stroll.It provided a great view over the now harvested rice paddies. The wall is now covered by earth and forms a levy and the base for the road. Back in Pyay we visited the huge Shwesandaw Pagoda which occupies the top of the central hill. There is now a double lift to take worshippers to the top instead of the long staircases which shows the wealth of the area. It has benefitted from being a major colonial centre and there are still quite a few colonial houses in the area. However this town also has a population of more than 300,000 devout Buddhists who gain merit by contributing to the upkeep of the pagodas. Last night we watched a National Geographic film about the fisher folk who live on their boats off the islands to the South coast. It was filmed in 2004 when they were resisting forced resettlement into govt developed villages which were rife with disease and cocaine use. There were not many left then so I fear they may have lost the battle.

Friday 24 November 2017

Myanmar Day 7 Magwe

We sailed down river all morning. One of our three guides gave us a very informative talk on the geography, history and industry of the Ayarwaddy River in particular. This really encompassed all of Myanmar. Irrawaddy is the British interpretation of Ayarwaddy and the name has now officially reverted to the original except for the convenience of tourists.
After lunch we walked on a tour up to the main market of Magwe where everyone was encouraged to make a purchase of the longi (sarong) worn by men and women. We have a cultural night soon and everyone is encouraged to participate. I have a women's longi loaned by a friend. Bob bought one in the supermarket in Mandalay for $25.  With my encouragement he bought a really posh Executive one because i thought it would convert to a nice table cloth. Now we have found that we could have bought one for $6 in the markets and I have been reminded every time we see one.
The rest of the tour was done on local long distance buses instead of tourist coaches just to broaden our experience. They were qite comfortable except that the some of the seats reclined without instruction and we wouldn't have been as comfortable if we had to use the seats that folded down into the aisle in order to fit more people. I can imagine the chaos if someone was trying to get off a bus that had all the fold down seats occupied.
We then visited a park with the statue od Aung San the father of Su Who began the independance process. Our guide also explained how the military retains firm control. All Local Government positions are held by retired generals. The Mya Tha Lun Pagoda was our last stop. This Pagoda is important because it is linked to local astrology. Before we arrived we were shown calendars which showed which day of the week we were born. Then in the temple surrounds there was a structure which displayed all the days of the week with it's speccific animal and planet symbol. Bob was a Garuda but has forgtten his planet. I am an elephant under Mercury. The planet influence can change as you age but it is very complicated. Around the pagoda there are the appropriate  places for you to make your prayers in accordance with your sign.
Within the compound there was the first reclining Buddha that we have seen. This  version was in the resting pose, not the death pose.
Last night there was a quiz night but we opted out. We remain well although this is not the case for all the passengers.

Thursday 23 November 2017


Lacquered Buddha

Teak monastery

Myanmar Day 6 Thant Kyi Hillfi

Our mode of transport changed yesterday from coaches to mini buses. This was because the Panhwar tied up to the river bank at a small village that had a long,  narrow, dusty access across to the bitumen road. We were taken past quite a lot of light industry on the way which we found out was a government petroleum drilling set up. As well we saw some small tripods on the hillsides which were private small scale drilling rigs. The villagers on this side of the river are poor because they have rocky hills instead of alluvial flats and can grow very little. So they drill the oil which is only about 20 metres down and produces betwen 20 and 45 gallons per day. There is only very crude processing available to them from which they extract poor qality diesel for local use and wax which they send to Yangon to make candles for the temples. Even the government has outdated technology to process the oil so it is shipped out of the country for processing and then they have to buy fuel. Our guide made a case for engineers to invest in the industry here so they can process the oil themselves.
We eventually reached the bitumen road to the temple at the top of the hill. The view was spectacular in both directions; over the river and into the hilly heartland which is desert. How they managed to transport the materials for this rich temple up here was difficult to imagine. The story is that Buddha visited this place and foretold the development of the city of Bagan across the river. There is a statue of Buddha pointing toward Bagan. Then a king returning from the conquest of Ayruthia (wrong spelling) in Thailand riding a white elephant said he would settle where ever the elephant chose. And he chose this hill top overlooking Bagan. The rest is history as they say.
In the afternoon we tied up at the village of Salay for a walking tour. This naturally included stops at a temple and an old monastery which is now a museum. Along the way though we saw lots of colonial buildings because this was a centre for the British Burma Oil Company. Many of them have faded beauty now but this village is still quite prosperous. The temple, Shinbin Maha Paya, has a laquerware Buhdda which apparently was washed down river to this village in the monsoon floods. It is huge and has been dated to 14th Century. The story goes that the villagers tried to drag it up onto dry land but couldn't manage. Then a rich woman whispered into the Buddha's ear that if it allowed them to take him from the river she would build a temple over him. And so it happened . The plinth of the seated statue has been recently beautifully decorated  with cut glass mosaic. We were able to peer into a trap door in the base to see up into the hollow bamboo construction of the statue. Defitiely unique because although there are smaller lacquer Buddhas this one is huge. This was also the first opportunity we had to see native turtles which were in a pond in the temple grounds.
Last night was the 2nd half of the film "The Lady". Very sad, well acted depiction of her years of house arrest and the emotional struggle when her husband was dying of cancer and she knew that if she left to go to him in England she would never be allowed back. It was clear that he shared her vision for Burma and supported her throughout.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Photos Bagan

Since we seem to have reasonable internet speed and it is too early for much competition I will try posting a couple of photos. Gail

Myanmar: Bagan Day 5

Yesterday was a big day because we were in Bagan famous for it's history and 2,400 temples. This is just half the number that were here before a major earhquake in the 1970's. Our group began with a visit to the local market. Here we walked through a huge array of locally grown vegetables, spices, chicken, pork and fish. The fish were most notable for the HUGE catfish which drooped off either side of the large scales being used to weigh them. There was quite a variety of fish all caught in the Irrawaddy and some pond bred fish and prawns.
From there we wandered through the fabrics section with very little pressure to buy. However once an interest was shown the stall holder did their utmost to produce something that met our requirements.
Then began a finely coordinated visit to four different pagodas which had been chosen to display particular features of the 11th to 13th Century architectural style. This region has been settled since the 2nd Century because it is a slightly elevated plateau on a stable limestone base. The 10 hundreds began a particularly stable period with the unification of 19 villages into a city state. From there it developed peacefully for three  hundred years until invasion by the Mon. This is my rough recall of the information from the efforts of our guides to educate us.
The style of the stupas or central solid "spine" of the pagoda showed the significant changes in design from single story, simple round cones to those supported on two story bases with increasingly complex decorative features and more elegant elongate outlines. The features of the Buddhas within also evolved from Indian heritage features to Burmese. The area of Bagan is a well recognised Archialogical precinct but during the period of strict military regime prior to 2010 there was no outside expertise permitted and some ineffective repair work to the earthquake damage was undertaken. Since the intercession of Baraq Obama and Hilary Clinton in 2010 UNESCO has become re involved and gradually restoration is being undertaken. We first went to a temple built in 1120 which was huge and elaborate with gold paint and surrounding complex. Here we saw a group of women who had brought lunch to the monks sitting in the cloister area and being rehearsed by a monk in the 8 princliples of Buddhist rules for living.
From there we went to an older temple to see wall frescos which had been restored after being painted over with limestone wash. We also saw the evidence of where a German tourist had made repeated visits to remove some of these small detailed pictures of the Buddha's life. Imterestingly during WW 2 the Japanesse and the Allies had an embargo on bombing Bagan because of the significance of the area. This resulted in some unintended damage to the interior of the temples because the people from strife torn areas moved into them and smoke from their cooking fires damaged the walls.
The next pagoda was middle era and demonstrated the increasingly sophistocated internal architecture. Here the design incorporated sound baffles to reduce echos, through flow currents of air for coolness and careful imtroduction of natural light including windows to shine light on the Buddha's face at midday. Also the external use of locking cornerstones of limstone which held the building firmly and minimised shaking damage during quakes.
The grand finale was the Ananda Temple which is the first one to be completely restored under UNESCO supevision. It has had the natural limestone and brick render cleaned and minor quake damage repaired. It is significant for the limited use of gold paint also. We could clearly see the value of the locking style of construction in this huge complex where quake damage had been limited to one small part of the roof which was easily repaired. Possibly the most impressive feature inside were the huge teak doors weighing 2-3 tons which can still pivot but which have been secured to remove risk of getting tourists toes amputated.
The afternoon involved a visit to a laquerware factory which was fascinating and gave increased respect for the means of making these products. Then on to a specially constructed mound designed to give sunset viewing of the Bagan skyline. This was a bit of a phizzer because the mound was  not very high and clouds from a hurricane over Yangon obscured the sunset. We happily went back early to our welcome berth and dinner. After dinner we saw tthe first half of an excellant movie on the development of Aung Sun Suchi's political career. It was hilarious when the crew had obviously decided how late we should be watching and turned the film off mid point after an hour to loud protests from the audience. We will be back tonight to see the 2nd half.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Myanmar Day 4 : Yandabo

This morning we tied up to the river bank and spent the morning in the "village" of Yandabo which is famous for its pottery. The population is about 10,000 including the surrounding rural area. Approximately 50% of the community, 78 families, derive their income from making functional pots and the remaining population are farmers. The pots are primarily water carriers but they also make steamers for cooking, terracotta fire stands for resting their cooking pots on and garden pots. They are make from the clay and sand of the riverbank and from yucky grey colour become a beatiful terracotta colour. They are stacked on the riverbank when they are completed and wholesalers buy them and distribute them on boats up and down the river. We saw the entire process as we meandered through the village from mixing the clay and sand and forming it into large balls with their feet to forming the pots on a pottery wheel. The women are extremely skillful potters and make about 100 per 10 hour day. They are very proud of their product which is strong enough when dry to stand on even before firing. They are all decorated with patterns which are applied using a wooden mallet. They are fired in huge rakku style kilns built to hold between 1500 and 2000 pots at a time. These are one use only kilns built on a bed of wood and damped down with ash from previous firings. They can be 15 feet high and the men stand and lie on the lower layers to build the upper levels as the women throw the pots up to them. We saw a couple being prepared and one actually firing. It was a lot of work for a return of $1 Australian per pot but it gives them a good living.
We were assured by a crew member that it would be a nice shady walk but discovered that some main streets had had the trees cut down in preparation for the installation of power lines. I am sure the locals will think it worthwhile when it does arrive as they currently rely on photovoltaic panels for power. Not very convenient during the 3 month rainy season.
We also visited the school and delivered pens, pencils and stationary as suggested because these things are expensive and the schools are minimally funded. Teachers salaries only. The children were charming and sang for us. I guess the disruption of our visit was worthwhile for the goodies it provided.
We were also entertained by watching some of the local men trying to start a crank handle ignition diesal engine truck known locally as "Chinese Buffalos". The three men who had driven it to the sand pile had no idea how to crank it and the two trying took off in all directions as the motor fired and they didn't know how to release it. Eventually a knowledgeable man walked up, handed his child to one of the men and cranked it competantly to cheers from the onlookers.
This afternoon we have traveĺed down river to the ancient city of Bagan which was in the height of its development between 900 and 1300 with 5000 pagodas built. Walking tour tomorrow.

Monday 20 November 2017

Myanmar Day 2-3

Our transfer to the Princess Panhwar went seamlessly. We had time to look around the Mandalay Hill Resort which is a gracious Raj era hotel. Might have to try and stay there if we ever come back.
The boat is very comfortable with all mod cons. Only three seasons old and very well designed. The crew are fantastic and the food superb. We are trying to be disciplined with how much we eat but it is all very tempting. Fortunately most of it is pretty healthy food and we are eating the Asian food options frequently which I don't think are fattening.
On Sunday we didn't move from the quay until the evening and spent the day touring the important sights in Mandalay. We first went to the workshop which makes the gold leaf for the temples. This is a labour intensive 7 day process per batch and it transforms small gold ingots to gold leaf which is finer than paper - fly away thickness. From there we went to the most revered pagoda, the Mahamuni Buddha. This statue is  believed to be an actual representation of Buddha but his face has been covered with 2 tons of glod leaf over the centuries so it has reduced his features somewhat. People (men only) were queuing to add their piece of gold leaf while we were there. Also there was an initiation ceremony for novice monks and nuns -7 year olds who must spend time in the monastery at least twice in their formative years to ensure that they understand Buddhist principles for living. They and their families were beautifully and ornately dressed. Our guide was very excited that we were able to see this parade as it is not a regular occurrence.
From there we went on to a wood carving and a silk workshop where we contributed to the country's economy. The tourist trade and the flow on to businesses is very important to those employed below the level of the military and I was happy to help! We then visited the Kuthodaw Pagoda where the teachings of Buddha were first written out in Myanmar. Previously they had been handed down by word of mouth but in  1836 they were carved into marble slabs in sanscrit which is very intricate. There are 729 slabs standing at least a metre hgh each with it's own little protective house. Shwenandaw Monastery was the last stop over before lunch and the third round of shoe removal. Why didn't I pack those slip on shoes? We did go back to the boat for lunch and a bit of a rest. Then in the late afternoon we went to a large lake which for many years could only be traversed by boat. Then a very  long foot bridge of tall Teak poles was built and people had easy access to the city. It is still in operation and there were crowds of people there to stroll along it and to watch the sun set. We were taken out  onto the lake in sampans to watch the sunset and  it was beautiful.
Today we are just a little way down river at the town of Sagaing. Population 200,000. We drove to the top of Sagaing Hill to visit the Pagoda and take in the view. We overlooked the Irrawaddy and hundreds of small temples. This is primarily a religious comunity with many monasteries. We stopped off at another stupa to photograph the different style which was influenced by the Sri Lankan Buddhists.
We then tackled a horse drawn cart ride to a teak constructed Monastery.  They were ponies really and we had our first view if rice paddies. The monastery had the most amazing pillars holding up it's 9 tiered roof. The logs were 60 feet tall and between 3 and 4 feet in circumference. All the walls were intricately carved and there was quite a story about the first monks to occupy the building. This was the first time we were harrassed by women wanting to sell souveniers. They were persistant and innovative. When we didn't buy first up some of them hopped on their scooters and followed us to the monastery waiting for us to re emerge.
This afternoon has been free time and it was nice to relax. Now it is time for a shower and to saunter down to dinner.

Friday 17 November 2017

Myanmar Nov 2017: Off to Mandalay

The departure time 0f 1:10 am was made less of a pain by having a delicious meal with Ingrid at her house close to the airport the evening of departure.  It was still boring waiting the two plus hours before take off but that is not to be avoided. It was interesting watching for the Singapore aircraft and wondering if we would be late leaving because it did not arrive until about 45 minutes before we were due to leave. However they were very efficient fueling up and getting us all on board and we left exactly on time. A tiny Aisan couple of mother and daughter did their best to sabotage this smooth process. They each had a huge suitcase to lift into the overhead lockers and which were too heavy for them to lift by themselves especially as they weren't tall enough to lever them in over the lip of the locker. Then somehow a neck cushion filled with tiny polstyrene beads was broken in the struggle and rained down over everyone below. The case was so heavy that even the stewardess had trouble trying to get it out of the way and the inflow of passengers seized up. Eventually there were three airline staff trying to sort out the log jamb with urgent public announcements telling everyone to take their seats. We still took off on time -just.
We had a five hour stop over in Changi Airport so the fact that it is huge with lots to look at and lots of restaurants to choose from helped. The flight from Singapore to Mandalay was longer than it appeared because there was a 1.5 hour time adjustment backwards which meant we were in the air for over 3 hours. We were lucky because the flight was going on the Yangon afterwards and we were glad the route wasn't the other was around.
Our hotel is down town which we wanted and let me just say we are pleased that they have given us the best room in the hotel. Mandalay reminds us of Bangkok when we first went there in the early 1980's. However the pavements may be broken up but they are swept clean and hosed down every evening or morning. Many peple will  return a smile when we are out walking and we have not once been hustled to  buy something. The taxi drivers are keen for the work but accept a brief shake of the head. We spent this morning walking down to the Jade Market by the river. This was fascinating with hundreds of people milling around the market showing their little pieces of stone to the buyers and hoping for a sale. There also were hundreds of sellers of sometimes tiny pieces of polished jade looking to make a sale. We then found the more salubrious downtown area which had traffic lights with walk signs and a couple of large emporiums. One was quite new and only really occupied on the lower part of it's five floors. This afternoon we have relaxed to recover from our overnight flight and a strenuous morning. Tomorrow morning we join the cruise.

Sunday 17 September 2017

San Francisco 17/9

Yesterday we returned the car to Alamo and there weren't even any raised eyebrows at the 5000+ miles that we had used. The young woman even gave Bob a $50 refund for the oil and filters change that he had paid for. The mechanic told us that the air filter was dirty from all the smoke we had been driving through.
We then caught the train from the Airport into town for some final bits of shopping. Bob was a bit amazed at the quantity of seersucker that I bought for new table cloths for the Country Club but the US is the only place to buy 60 inch wide seersucker and we need that width. I only bought enough for three cloths but that is quite a bulky parcel and he always has caniptions about my shopping. We always fit it in and we always comply with the weight rules.😀
From downtown we walked uppp over the hill and dooown the hill to the Fishermen's Market for lunch. We opted to walk because we couldn't find the bus stop for the trolley bus and the old fashioed Powell Street tourist trolley had huge queues. After we crested the hill I said that I had been happy to walk one way but we needed to find a ride back!
We had a crab salad for lunch just to experience the tourist thing  but agreed that we had been spoilt but eating our own marron. The crab was just the meat from the claws and not from the body of the crab, Then we found the trolley bus stop and rode in comfort back to the train station for the trip back to the hotel.
Last night we went to the Japanese/Korean restaurant across the road and had a great Koream BBQ dinner. Bob has plans for Udon Soup for lunch after we have been for a walk along the foreshore.
This will probably be my last post from the USA as we have to vacate the hotel in the morning and fly out just before midnight tomorrow. I have scoped out showers at the airport so we can wash off the days sweat before we board and to fill in some time. It will no doubt be a long day. Talk to you when we get home.

Saturday 16 September 2017

Return to San Francisco 15/9

I must have been in a very vague space yesterday because I wrote that we were in Cleaverville when it was actually Cloverdale. Cleaverville rings bells from somewhere in our history and I usually write early in the morning while I am waiting for Bob to wake up so I obviously wasn't quite awake myself.
As we drove down the 101 yesterday morning Bob commented on the speed of the traffic. The speed limit was 55 mph, we were doing 65mph and most of the vehicles were streaming past us. Clearly the speed limit was viewed as only advisory. We did notice that conformity increased as we came closer to larger cities enroute.
The early part of our drive was through the valley around Santa Rosa and my comments from the previous days boutique wineries did not hold up here. The valley floor and surrounding hills were covered in vines. It made a beautiful picture with the bright green neat plantings edged by the yellowed grass of autumn.
We stopped off at a Walmart to do some final bargain hunting. Bob found a pair of light weight Wrangler jeans that he had been hunting for at their usual $20 price. Winter stock is taking over here so he was pleased to find this summer weight pair at our last check.
We didn't have a long drive today and had worked out how to pay the toll for the Golden Gate Bridge if the GPS took us into San Francisco on that route. However it soon became apparent that "she"was taking us around through The outer suburbs towards the other bridges. We then became stuck in a very congested section of Hway with wall to wall trucks and inched along for 20 minutes before clearing a port area where the trucks left us. By now I had pulled the map out to see where we were heading  and realised that the GPS was taking us a long way south towards San Jose. The mental tumblers began to rattle and we realised that "she" was still programmed to avoid toll roads. Fortunately there was a bridge exit coming up which we managed to take and we happily paid the $5 toll saving ourselves an extra 30 miles around the end of the bay. There wasn't a major worry time wise as we were too early to check into our hotel. It was just the pressure of dealing with the city traffic. We found a car wash close to the hotel and sat in comfort while we drove through the automatic system.. it was really disorienting to feel as if the car was moving as the machine worked back and forwards giving it a thorough scrub.
We have checked into the Airport Hyatt for three nights as a wind down treat to ourselves before the 27 hour flight home. Internet booking made this usually pricey place quite competative with every other motel/hotel in San Francisco which is very expensive. We decided that we deserved a treat and it is very convenient with a shuttle to the airport coupled with the cheap tourist fare on the train into the city. We will return the car to the rental depot this morning and spend the next few days repacking and pottering around the city.
For those of you who hadn't read yesterdays post when i wrote this i need to explain that I managed to edit Cleaverville out and insert the correct name Cloverdale.

Friday 15 September 2017

Photos from the 101 14/9

You can just see the back of Bob's hat at the bottom if the picture as he cranes his head to look up at thr Redwoods.
I forgot to mention this little fellow. He is  Banana Slug who had fallen out of his tree and sadly wasn't long for this world.

Hway 101 scenery.

Arcata to Cloverdale Thurs 14 /9

Our planned route was to follow the 101 Hway as it passed through the Avenue of the Giants initially and then swing back to the coast down to Albion before we cut across to Cleaverville. What I hadn't understood looking at our map was that the Redwood Highway was a 32 mile section of the old 101 which was parallel to the new road and was retained to provide access to the Redwood groves that had been preserved by the conservation movement. There were small communities remaining along the Avenue which survive on the tourist trade.  We entered this road quite early in the morning and found the self guide pamphlet which suggested that the nicest short walk was just down the road. We decided to take this 2.5  mile stroll and thoroughly enjoyed strolling along the path looking and photographing with hardly anyone else around. We could hear the traffic on the 101 at one point and really appreciated the foresight of the people who had worked to save these groves. The trees are just wonderful. They are soooo tall and amazingly resilient. They have natural fire resistance because their bark is very thick and lacks resin. They can be damaged by fire but like the Tingles can buttress around the damage. Only after repeated fire attacks do they succumb and I did see one burnt out stump..  More seem to be blown over and it takes a long time for them to break down because they are so big so they provide nutrients for the next generation. By the time we were returning to the car more people were arriving to walk so we were glad to have had the quiet time. We heard quite a lot of birds and even heard a woodpecker though he was so high up we couldn't see him.
We then drove on through the Avenue and rejoined the 101 heading for the coast. At lunchtime we found a rest stop which had one picnic table. A young Dutch couple arrived at the same time with the same intention so we shared the table and chatted about our respective travels. The coastal drive down to Fort Bragg and Albion is beautiful and is more scenic than the Big Sur section south of San Francisco in our opinion. We were so close to the ocean cliffs most of the time that we were held up a couple of times by roadworks where they were repairing places where the road edge had given way in last Winters storms.
From Albion to Cloverdale the road followed the river valley and wound over the coastal hills. We passed through more groves of Redwoods though this time they were "River Redwoods" and not as quite as tall. The whole road was shaded by trees of various sorts and we passed through vineyards of the boutique variety. Smaller than the extensive plantings at home or in the Nappa Valley. The day had been pleasantly cool but warmed up as we headed inland.
Cloverdale is an attractive "artsy" town and it was relaxing to stroll the main street while our laundry tumbled. We decided to have pizza for dinner with a bottle of wine we had been carrying for a while. We really are slow to learn, we ordered a large with extra toppings because Aamerican Pizza is sometimes very limited in what goes on top. This was HUGE and wasn't even the largest size. It had plenty of veges on it as well as the chicken and anchovies we had ordered. We could only manage half of it and just hope the cleaner has some hungry children who are not too fussy.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Photos of the Redwoods

These trees are so tall it is impossible to photgraph their full height. Note the comparison with our car.

Bob beside fallen giant.

Best I could do to give impression of the forest.

Root system f a big one.

Medford to Acarta. Back to the 101

Driving out of Medford we were struck by the influence of the Rogue River. It was funny to see the Rogue Community Centre, Rogue Community College and the Rogue Bank. Would you feel comfortable leaving your money in that bank?
There was still some evidence of the fires in the area and we passed a large "fire camp" set up on vacant land beside the river. There was also roadworks going on as the roads were being repaired for winter. There were still repairs being done to the 101 where land slips during last winters heavy rains caused the edges of the road to vanish down the hill. This reduced the road to one lane and we were either escorted through the roadworks or had our turn to proceed managed by traffic lghts.
Close to the coast we entered Redwood Country.. These trees are so magnificent that we pulled into a layby just to look at them. Then we discovered that there was a day use area just up the road with a short walk and we stopped there to take the walk. This was lovely and peaceful with people just quietly rambling around enjoying the forest. We learnt from small plaques around the walk that most of the Redwood Forest pockets have been saved by private individuals purchasing the land and handing it over to the State and  National Parks to be managed. As we left the forest and turned south on the coast road there was an abrupt change in the weather. While the forest had been cool we now encountered the Pacific Ocean fog bank that California is famous for. Hunting for a lunch spot we found a picnic area right on the beach and had to haul out jumpers because of the cool wind. We had set off in shorts and T shirts and I had goose bumps on my legs by the time we retrned to the car.
We had found a "Fred Meyer" store as we left Medford and discovered that they sell their French Bread in paper bags so they don't go soft and they also had a real deli where I could buy sliced cold meat by the ounce and not predigested and packaged in plastic. We had a good lunch despite the wind.
We stopped at a National Parks information centre and for the first time found the person responding to our queries was not very knowledgeable about the area. This was only realised after we had driven down the road and opened up a magazine we had picked up discovering we had just left an area we would have explored more thoroughly. Fortunately there a more Redwoods ahead of us.
Our motel is comfortable as usual. Having checked out the two nearest options for dinner we had Mexican and both enjoyed our menu choices.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Photos of Crater Llake And Rogue Canyon

Rogue Canyon. This small section doesn't convey the impact of the 500 yards of the Canyon that was all white water like this.
First viewpoint of Crater Lake.
The Phantom Ship remnant of an eruption.
Rainbow Trout in the fish cleaning shed.

Crater Lakeanyth

As we left Roseburg we drove through undulating grass covered hills until they soon morphed into pine covered mountains. We followed the Umpqua River valley most of the time as as we headed toward it's source and the junction with the Rogue River. These are classic mountain rivers racing over rapids through rugged basault valleys churning through rapids as they wear away at the rocks in their path.
Unfortunately the magic became muted as we encountered heavy smoke and fire warning signs. As we drove we were wondering if we were going to get through to Crater Lake. When we were halted at by a woman waving a stop sign there was no effort made to tell us what was happening but after three or four minutes an escort vehicle appeared around the bend. After a brief chat with his co workers he lead us through the next 5 to 10 miles. This area still had the river on our right most of the time but the fire had been right down to the road with occassional jumps across. There was also occassional fire blackened debrie lying where it had been cleared away. By the time our escort left us we were quite a bit higher and the smoke had thinned. We drove on to Diamond Lake which is Crater Lakes neighbour.
We stopped for a break and to have a look at the lake which is huge and vanishd into the smoke haze. We chatted to a fisherman who had just pulled his boat out of the Lake and he told us that they had caught 18 Rainbow Trout but only kept four to eat as the others were too small. He said we could see them if we went ino the fish cleaning shed where his partner was preparing them. The shed turned out to be a very sophisticated,  fly screened building with stainless steel sinks and plenty of running water from well positioned outlets. The trout were beauties, by then all ready for the pan. The man described his boat as a "river boat". It was sturdy metal with a curved flat bottom to slide over river rocks. He admitted that it rocked a bit if the Lake was anything except glassy smooth. The breeze had come up and that was why they had stopped fishing,
We drove on  to the North entrance to Crater Lake only to discover it was closed due to the fire which was in the National Park. We then had to drive around to the western entrance which was fortunately closer to our overnight destination. When we arrived at the Park and stood on the caldera of the old volcano overlooking the Crater Lake it was all worthwhile. The Lake was 1900 feet below us, 4 miles by 6 miles in diameter, 1900 feet deep and clear blue. The smoke haze detracted from the colour slightly but couldn't spoil the effect. We couldn't drive around the West Rim due to the fire but the East Rim was accessible right around to where the Northern access road came in. We drove and walked taking in all the explanatory signs. The volcano has a history going back 400,00 years forming a mountain 14,000 feet high. 7700 years ago the accumulation of magma below was so great that when it erupted it blew the mountain away across about 6 states. The crater base solidified except for a couple of minor eruptionns  and gradually filled with snow melt and rain water. They receive at least 15 feet of snow per year so this plus rain keeps the water level stable.
When we headed to Medford we made one further stop at the Canyon of the Rogue River. This is near the headwaters and is where the water has forced it's was through old lava tubes on its way to join the Umpqua. The result is a fiercely contrained river which had earned it the title of the "wild" Rogue.
Our receptionist recommended the Irish Pub Downtown for dinner so we had a leisurely walk and a goood meal to round off the day

Monday 11 September 2017

More photos, the scenery was so lovely I can't help myself.

Lighthouse Bay.
Defoe Bay.

Tsunamis are a real threat. This informaton board shows all the nearby fault lines. Amazingly people still build in vulnerable spots like the house in the photo above.

Photos from the 101

Elk in the Pasture.

Descrption of Captain Cook's visit.
View of Foul Weather Cape from the 500 foot cliffs.
Beautiful view from our picnic table at Elktown.

To Roseburg down the 101. Mon 11/9

Today we headed south again along the Pacific Scenic Hway. The first overlook we stopped at was at Foul Weather Cape. We discovered that this had been named by Captain Cook on the first leg of the journey which ultimately brought him to Australia. He named it after he had battled the wind for seven days and was in exactly the same position. While we were there we read the sign board about the local wildlife including the Grey Whales whose juveniles often spend the Autumn months in the Bay. Then we saw one. He/she was mooching along surfacing every so often and spouting as it surfaced. The further South we traveled the fewer rocky headlands there were and more beaches. There were lots of lakes and the rivers all had huge deltas where the  birds were feeding. At Reedsport we turned West to go over to Roseburg to be closer to Crater Lake which is our goal tomorrow. Soon after the turn we saw a wildlife viewing roadside bay with people using binoculars. We surmised they were looking for elk since there had been a warning sign. Assuming that they were up in the tree line we did not stop. Imagine our delight when about 5 miles down the road there was a small herd grazing in a pasture quite close to the road. Photos in the next posting. We had the usual hunt for a lunch spot but fortunately we weren't famished. However after watching for a picnic spot for a while we were pleased to find that the small town of Elktown had a city park beside the river with tables under shady trees. The weather has warmed up again today so we were grateful for the shade. We have discovered that Roseburg is a very sprawling town so when our host recommended the Chinese restaurant next door we took him at his word. We ordered a dish each and even there the meals were HUGE. We had no chance of finishing them but it was not because we didn't enjoy them.

Sunday 10 September 2017

Photos from Oregon Sun 10/9

View from a lookout on the highway.

There are some amazing bridges of this style because there are lots of estuaries  and marshes.

Nice caravan park tucked in under the trees by the beach and in a tsunami vulnerable spot. We have been following the events of cyclones Harvey and Irma and contributing in  a minor way in supermarkets by allowing them to "round up " our change. Very glad we are holidaying in the NW not the SE of USA.

Lincoln City Oregon Sun 10/9

We were up early this morning and had walked to the car park and brought the car back to the Hostel by 8am in time for breakfast. Wonder of wonders the sky was clear and the sun was shining. We were on the road by 9am and being Sunday morning it was easy to leave the city. We drove the main highway south to leave Washington State and enter Oregon because this was the most direct path. The highway was busy enough but not frantic because there were few trucks. As one loomed up beside us doing more than his 60 mph Bob commented that it felt like being the lettuce leaf in a BLT.   Not far out of Seattle Mt Rainier appeared ahead of us. At 14,411 feet  it reared above it's low personal cloud bank. I was just disappointed that it's misty cloak at that hour of the morning meant it was pointless to try for a photo.
 The first 40 miles were just a continuous urban sprall from Seattle. I forgot to mention yesterday that Seattle is the home base for Microsoft, Amazon and Boeing. We were told when travelling on the Trolley that Amazon employs an estimated 20% of the city's work force and it is expected to rise to 25% next year. They have purchased apartment blocks for their employees so that they can live close to work. Bill Gates is dog friendly and their head quarters have a floor set aside for employees dogs while they are at work. How the other half lives.
We were able to leave Hway 5 after two hours of steady driving and moved to the quieter Hway 101 which follows the Pacific Coastline all the way to the California border. We had a few tense moments when we pulled into a State Park to have our lunch and discovered the usual fee. Bob said he was not b----  well paying a day use fee  for half an hours use of a picnic table. We decided to detour to the boat launching area prior to the honour box and and found picnic tables there. The other slightly disconcerting feature was the roadside warnings that we were driving through tsunami vulnerable areas.
The coastline is beautiful with sandy beaches not dissimilar to ours interspersed with rocky headlands, pines right to the water and holiday towns. As we drove further south the towns were more spread apart by rural activites such as cattle and pigs. We couldn't see the latter but we could certainly smell them. At one stage we passed through a very threatening cloud band but this didn't last for long and the day remained cool but sunny. A nice change.
Tonight we are comfortably ensconced in a motel a stones throw from a seafood restaurant.  Photos separately.

Seattle Day 2

This was the morniing set aside for the "hop on, hop off " troĺley. The bus stops were not particularly  well marked so we had another walk past the markets before we tracked one down. The day was cool and even threatened rain so it was good weather for sitting is the enclosed area. The commentary was interesting and we saw most of the run by the time we decided to hop off at the waterfront for a cup of clam chowder and a shared fish (halibut) and chips. By then it was attractive to wander through the shopping area and we found some bargains in Maceys. This then requird some rest and recuperation and we retired to our room and spent some time planning the route down through Oregon and northern California for our last week.
Bob still hadn't found a pair of sneakers he had been hunting so we checked out Google and walked back up to Downtown to Nordstrum Rack. Nordstrum's is the swankiest shop in Seattle but Rack is their outlet store next door. The shop was packed with their last seasons unsold items. Bob quite quickly found a pair of sneakers that he was delighted with at a very low price. Then he suggested I take a turn even though I knew I had done my dash with shoes. Wonder of wonders I found a pair of Sketches golf shoes for $20. Irresistible.
By then it was late evening and we headed for the waterfront looking for somewhere to eat. It was beautiful down there with everything from the ferris wheel down brightly lit in neon. By the time we walked up to the markets we discovered that they close up early even on a Saturday night. We chose a nearby restaurant and had  a pricey and our

first disappointinng meal. You can't win them all.

The photo is of an amazing building housing a museum of Pop Culture.

A fantastis playground for children.

The famous Space Needle built for the World Fair in the 1960's