Monday 1 April 2019

NSW To Perth 1/4/19 Gerringong

Note the change of direction in the title. We had a great time in Karuah. It was a very well organised Meeting. There were 70 bikes in all but some people had driven their cars for various reasons so there were about 170 of us all up. The caravan park was comfortable with the only irritant being the mosquitoes. There was a couple of hours of pouring rain on Saturday morning which delayed the grand parade of bikes through town. However it stopped at about 11am and off we went. Happily it also seemed to drown most of the mosquitoes. Sunday afternoon we went on a ride on a raod known as Bucket's Way which was very scenic. We had lunch at a local popular pub and then went to the National Motorcycle Museum. I knew that once Bob stepped foot in there it would a long time before he emerged. I took my book and after a quick look inside I retreated to a comfortable seat outside and had a relaxing read until he was ready to leave two hours later.
There was a farewell BBQ on Sunday evening and then those who were still there prepared to leave. We sought advice from the locals as to the best way to skirt Sydney  and make our way to Gerringong on the south coast. We set off anticipating a shorter day than usual. Unfortunately verbal directions aren't very detailed so it turned into a long day. We rode over to  Broke via Pokolbin through the trendy vineyard area. Here we missed the turn and over optimistically took the road into the Woollambi Valley. It was beautiful and like a forgotten world after the glitz of Pokolbin. Against our hope it did not connect with the Putty Road and we had to backtrack losing an hour. Incidently I reseached the origins of the Putty Road due to it's unusual name. There is an interesting history of the development of the Putty Valley accessible through Google. We eventually had lunch at Grey Gums Cafe halfway down the Putty Road. By the time we reached Penrith it was after school time and very slow. Then our route planners had forgotten or not seen the huge roadworks involved with the development of the new airport at Badgery's Creek.
Surfice to say we were very pleased to finally reach the home of friends at Gerringong. Ros has been a friend since our Social Work studies days and we have stayed in touch. She and Hans had dinner ready for us and it was nice to have a home cooked meal. We are exploring this area today and moving on tomorrow.

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