Tuesday 9 April 2019

NSW to Perth Tues 9/4/19 to Ceduna

Well it was a smoother  departure this morning once Bob had found a service station that had a functioning air hose. It was pretty windy as we left Port Augusta  and then it rained. However once we reached Iron Knob 60 kms up the road the road direction changed and the wind was not so buffetting. We stopped at Kimba at the Pink Galah because I wanted to buy a couple of T shirts so we had a  coffee and a pink iced bun. Very wicked. This was fortunate because we knew that the next four towns along the way were mere skeltons and we would be lucky to find lunch. We finally found a shop serving food in the last town before Ceduna at 1.00pm and bought the last two pasties which were the last two anything. The shop was closing at 1.30pm for a local funeral. It occurred to us that burial is the only option in these towns as they are a fairly long way from the alternative.
We were in Ceduna by 2.30pm and checked into our usual motel. The owner/ operator gave us one of the rooms with the covered area  again and he has fast wifi.
Bob then invited a Harley rider who arrived later to share our bay because he looked anxious trying to work out whether his bike would be secure. His bike makes the most dreadful noise but he turned out to be a nice person who just likes a noisy bike. It was only later that it occurred to us that he is on his way to Melbourne and has a deadline so will probably  be starting it up outside our window at 5am.
We went to the hotel for dinner and had delicious King George Whiting. I deliberagely scheduled us to be here for my birthday because I knew the food was good and the ones in the stops either side are not as good. It was delicious but I over ate by having sweets as well.
Tomorrow we go to Eucla and the night after we will be at Fraser's Range and neither of  them have wifi so there won't be any more blogs until Souther Cross.

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