Friday 5 April 2019

NSW to Perth Sat 6/4/19 Halls Gap & Stalwell

Yesterdays run to Halls Gap was cruisy.  We were there for lunch and the bakery was our first stop. It fronted on to a shady park with picnic tables and there were Major Michell Cockatoos, Kookaburras, Magpies and a one legged Maned Goose/Duck which were obviously used to being fed by visitors. We had a chat with fellow travellers and then headed for the Halls Gap Motel. After time to relax we went shopping for breakfact essentials on foot to stretch our legs. While we were sitting outside our room later watching the sunset  we met some of the neighbours. Some had two legs and were chatty some had four legs and long tails and ignored us completely as they focussed on the greenest of the grass. We went to the recommended restaurant for dinner and it was very good.
Today we rode up the Pass into the Grampians National Park and tackled the two hour return walk up to the Pinnacle. It wasn't particularly difficult but it did take the full two hours. Along the way we were told by a slightly breathless woman that it was the easiest rated walk up there; suitable for the elderly and children. Since we had tackled the most difficult climb here back in 1972 we didn't feel slighted by this information. The views were stunning and when we arrived at the Pinnacle Lookout there were lots of people up there. Plenty of them were young international tourists but others were oldies like us. As we were walking down we met family groups with young children in tow. Later we heard that today is the first day of the school holidays. That is undoubtedly one reason that we could only have one night there. It has not been a problem because after another visit to the bakery we rode the 24 kms across to Stalwell. This is a larger but quieter town on Saturday afternoon. We have been for a stroll around the city centre, bought supplies for breakfast and then visited the laundromat. This is an old goldmining town and some of the public buildings are very impressive. They are more widely distributed than other towns which detracts from the effect a little. The main oval where they now hold the Stawell Gift still has a beautiful old grandstand. As we walked the Main Street we found the names of the Gift winners and where they came from since 1881 on brass plaques embedded in the footpath.
Now we are sitting on our piece of the verandah in the sun and grateful for it. It rained overnight which pleased the locals but has been sunny today which pleases the visitors. Over and out.

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