Thursday 4 April 2019

NSW to Perth Wed 3/4/19 to Tumberumber

The motel we checked into last night had had it's wifi antenna damaged by lightening so this is why I am in catchup mode.
Yesterday we left Gerringong early because Ros was up early to catch the train to work in Wollengong. So we bounced out to say our goodbyes and thank yous. The plan was to at least make Cooma at the edge of the Snowy Mountains and possibly Khancoban if we felt up to it. We actually had lunch in Cooma so decided to go to Khancoban via Kiama. This took us up through the alpine meadows to the last remaining building of the old gold mining town. The stone Courthouse was last used for purpose in the late 1800's but then became a ski lodge and bar until more modern resorts took away it's custom. It has now been restored and acts as a focus for a history walk around the old workings.
This was where we turned off for Khancoban and the road wound gradually higher. After some time we were taken aback to see a sign which said the road was closed at the Tumut Pond Dam. We were past the sign and winding our way down to the dam before the implication really sank in. We decided to check out the dam anyway and it was quite impressive. There was no road block at the end of the wall but there was a car parked there. The  couple were tourists also but better informed than us. They told us that the road was definately closed due to a bushfire that had only just been controlled and would not be open until it had been found to be safe from falling trees. They knew the area and gave us our options; either return to Cooma or return to a road junction about 20 minutes back and take the road up to Tumberumba. They thought there was accommodation at Tumba.
We opted for the latter and set off. The road was through the edge of the Kosciuszko National Park and quickly became mountainous. We wound up and down through beautiful valleys covered with tall Stringy Bark and Mountain Ash trees with clear  streams  wandering through. It was very steep and Bob was constantly  changing gears as we wound around tight corners. We saw quite a few of the beautiful red and blue  King Parrots. Then we rounded a corner and there were two of the wild brumbies and a foal. It was very special. We eventually reached Tumbarumba and found a comfortable motel ( with no wifi  )  and had a good meal at the pub. Bob had a  well deserved good nights sleep.

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