Sunday 19 October 2014


Well this post will be concise because due to the cost of wifi on the ship I tried to write it off line and then lost half an hours work. Sufficient to say that our tranfer from Sorrento to Athens went smoothly and the flight with Easyjet was good. The receptionist at our Athens hotel,Sophia, spoke excellant English and helped to get us to the bus station for the trip to the port at Lavrion without hassle. The bus was €4 compared to the price of a transfer or a taxi at more than €50.
It was also very entertaining. It took 2 hours to meander our way through the suburbs and so we saw a lot of outer suburban Athens. Although he was a very careful driver it was a social event for him with waves and toots to people all along the way.
Embarkation to Louis Cristal was streamlined and our cabin is very comfortable. Roomy shower and blissful softened water so my hair no longer feels like wire.
Yesterday we  were in Istanbul. We took it as a free day to visit the Topkapi Palace which we didn't see on our last trip. The Palace was built in 1470 and used as the principal Palace for 380 years. It has been really well preserved and restoration as necessay is ongoing. The tiling throughout is beautiful with original tiles. Also ornate wood work and scroll work. We visited the Harum first as the quietest area and it was an interesting insight into the lives of the concubines, wives and eunochs. We then wandered the rest of the complex which is situated to make the most of the views of the city and the water. By lunchtime it was becoming painfully crowded so we beat a retreat. We had lunch at a small cafe close to the market. Along the way I did a bit of shopping at a heritage shop which a very helpful  Tourist Policeman had recommended as better value than the Grand Bazaar. The proprietor was very interested when we said we were from Perth as he is going there to the Carousel Shopping center with a pop up shop for two months from 1st of Nov. Saved me having to agonise over the beautiful ceramics that I can't fit in my case. He will take them there for me. He asked us to help him locate the shopping centre of his google map and promised discounts just after Christmas.
Then just a wander through the Spice Market with the purchase of some delicious fruit and honey nougat and we walked over the bridge where they were catching herring back to the ship. A relax before dinner and some great Greek music after. The music was really appreciated by the Greek passengers and there was some impromptu dancing.
More later. Gail

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