Wednesday 15 October 2014


The last couple of days has been all about sight seeing. We had our first uncomfortable day arriving in Sorrento. I had chosen a hotel up behind Sorrento because the views from the hotel were stunning and because in the main the hotels in Sorrento were expensive. How to get there was the issue when we stepped off the train. The tourist information office woman was young, busy and unhelpful. She just gabbled off the bus we would need to catch and while I should have asked her to write it down and where to get a time table I was conscious of the queue behind me and left. It was Sunday and there was not a bus in sight to even make enquiries. So we opted for a taxi which charged us €52 , about $75 A for a 6 mile ride.The hotel was nice but there was no tea making facility or fridge. The spacious balcony was the saving grace. They did not serve dinner but had arrangements with 3 nearby restaurants who provided courtesy cars to transport to and from. We picked one of the  3 and found that the food was good but the atmosphere was chaotic and all around us the people on the tables seemed to be fighting. Add a table with 6 unruly children and a waitess  who assumed a very big tip and we went to bed discombobulated.
Tomorrow is always another day. We found that the bus to Amalfi goes past our hotel and we managed to get on although we were standing until Positano. Apparently this was an achievement as the bus can be full shortly after it leaves Sorrento and believe me the bus drivers know how to pack people in.
The scenery on the way was beautiful and so is Amalfi. We enjoyed a wander around the streets and eventually did a tour through a now closed paper mill which had operated from the 13th century making linen and cotton paper. The town is famous for the quality of it's paper products and there is still a mill which produces high quality paper mostly used for wedding invitations.
Dinner that night in restaurant number two was much more enjoyable with a very professional staff and great food.
On Tues we went to Capri for the day. I hadn't been particularly looking forward to going to Capri as often very popular places are over stated but I was wrong. Capri is beautiful mainly because of the greener vegetation due to a higher rainfall and also it's stunning scenery. The bus ride up to Anacapri from Capri town was stomach dropping and if the man standing next to me could have edged any further away from the window we would have been in a compromising position.
A smooth run home in the ferry when we were ready and a quiet snack at the hotel concluded a good day. Bye, more  from Greece.

1 comment:

  1. Hi.Gail is sorry she hasn't blogged today. She has a cold and is resting. But I can report that she is well enough to down her G&T even if it was made in the Philippines We are back in Roma and sadly tomorrow we leave.But next to Cambodia to see special friends and enjoy it all for a week. I'll try to do her blog if she trusts me. Bob
