Thursday 9 October 2014

Vatican museum and Tivoli gardens villa D!Este

Gail has let me loose on this today while she does snail mail so here we go,,,,,
Yesterday we avoided the queues and got straight into the Vatican museum. ! Slap into a human logjam which snailed along through many of the things of passing interest only. But we eventually found some fabulous paintings and while the crowds shuffled by we enjoyed a lot of Michaelangelo,s top apprentice, then a young man , called Raffaele who if anything surpassed his master.
Must admit some other viewing was pretty good too. The power of  Rome a while back was very pervasive.
When we eventually got to the Sistine Chappel the crowd was incredible and the attendents kept pushing us all along. Fortunately we diverted a bit so had afew minutes to look and marvel at the 4 years of work. The integration of the different scenes were quite amazing. Of course he was only about 30 when he started it although he had established himself as a sculpter. Later as an architect of course by designing St Peters.
I was disappointed that the crowds just did not permit slow viewing and we were also looking after our bags etc.

Went out to dinner at Trastevere..Rome's Northbridge but without the drunks or the brawls. Had a great meal and Roman shiraz in an outside restaurant. Again.
Today got train and bus to Tivoli about 30ks from Rome. The gardens and fountains were very beautiful.  It was set up by a Cardinal in the 16h century and he didn't spare a dollar. He was Lucretia Borga's son and arch bishop of Milan at age 10. You might say he was well connected. But he certainly left a heritage even if he did pinch most of the marble from a villa that Roman emporor Hadrian had built nearby, somewhat earlier. I think the Wapole historical society would be unimpressed by that.
Sadly time has passed like a lightning flash and we have leave tomorrow for Naples.  But we have seen much and learned lots as well. I have even learned how to make italian expresso tho I then flood the extroardinary strong coffee with lots of hot milk.
Gails finished her mail so here she is. Now for the corrections,!,,,,,,,
It is really interestng to see the different emphasis that Bob and I have. For me the day was all about the garden because we have see the internals of beautiful buildings a few times lately. The gardens have been established down the side of a hill flowing away from the terrace of the Villa. There is a constant natural strong flow of water through numerous fountains and lots of trees and greenery. The show piece is a fountain designed by Bernini which traps water then applies pressure to an air chamber which operates an organ. We were in time for the 1230 performance automatically playing medieval music. Bernini was quite a man;sculpter, artist and with some engineering inventiveness. Unfortunately I didn't have my tablet today so can't send any photos. Bob may be able to attach some to emails.
Ciao, Gail

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