Friday 3 October 2014


We are here at last. After 36 hours in Bangkok, checking out the footwear, we took off on a 747. As per previous practice when travelling economy on this plane we had chosen seats at the back where the row tapers to two seats so we had no one else next to us. Imagine our surprise shortly after we sat down to see other canny passengers looking around and then quietly gravitating to the last four rows of the centre seat. The plane wasn't full and they were getting themselves set up for a good nights sleep. Having done my own look around I moved in to the two seats behind us so Bob and  I had more room too. I then took my happy pill and didn't even hear supper being offered. We had eaten at a quite up market restaurant before we left so I wasn't  hungry anyway. We both slept quite well and so the trip went reasonably quickly. Never the less we were glad to get out of the plane. The weather is beautiful and at 7am  it was refreshingly cool.
Caught the train into Stazione Termini and checked our luggage because our checkin at the apartment was 2pm and it was clear there was no access earlier.
Then we  went walking. We were not compess mentos enough to do serious tourist stuff but enjoyed walking around the central city area gawking at all the old buildings and ruins being excavated. We have been past the Colosseum which is truly impressive even from the outside.
We  had a leisurely lunch at a street side cafe and then made our way out here. The apartment is very comfortable and we are taking a break before shopping for food and then heading for the Trevi Fountain and dinner. Jealous, I trust that you are?
Cheers, Gail and Bob
PS photos are to prove we are really here. G

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