Sunday 13 August 2017

Check out and collect Car Day

I reaIsed when i was looking through the photos that I hadn't included one of City Hall. So here it is today. Bob said that I had to tell you that it's main claim to fame is that the dome is taller than the one on the National Capital. It also has gold trim on it's external paint work.
The collection of our car went very smoothly. We had to return to the International Airport to pick it up and used our "seniors discount" train tickets. These just seem to apply to the round trip for the airport and were half price. Our appearance was the only proof required that we were over 65. How surprising. In contrast to our experience with Dollar Hire cars last trip Alamo were extremely efficient despite a long queue. And we had a choice of cars. Our destination was Placerville which is the heart of the original gold rush area of California. It is only 230 miles from San Francisco and we arrived by 3-30pm. It was just as well we made it then because we needed our "Nanna Nap". Friday night at the hostel had been very noisy with a group of young people drinking on the sidewalk until about 3am. Even though our room was not on the street front we were overlooking a service court yard which seemed to collect the sound. Sounds of passion nearby topped it off.
Placerville is very pretty being in the foothills of the mountains. In contrast to the hills around San Francisco which really are treeless there a tall pines around the town. Due to it's location in a valley it is a long thin town and we had quite a walk to reach the restaurant area in Main Street last night. The walk was good for us after the drive and dinner  was very good. We are looking forward to a relaxed day exploring the area before we move on again on Monday. Bob is preparing our yogurt and cereal so it is time to close.

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