Tuesday 22 August 2017

Grand Junction to Durango Colorado 21/8

Yesterday was another interesting one. We began by setting off to find a Post Office to buy some stamps printed for the solar eclipse. We did buy some and I had visions of buying some cards and having them date stamped for the 21st but that was not to be. I had persuaded Bob to visit the Gunnison Black Canyon National Park. This added an extra 60 miles to our day but we had realised that we had travelled part of this road on a previous trip with my cousins Mike and Lou Ann. The only road in marked on our map turned our to be the lesser Park entry accessing the North Rim of the Canyon. This was mildly annoying when we studied the Park map supplied but seemed of no major consequence. A bonus was that there were free eclipse glasses supplied so we actually viewed the partial eclipse. We ser off to walk the rim but once we achieved the first overlook we realised that that was as far as we could go. The ultimate spot was an hour further and the altitude was affecting us again. We took our photos and returned.
We then decided to take the circuit route to get back  to  our original route. It would also take us past the main entrance to the South Rim of the Canyon, if we had time. This was a very beautiful drive through the mountains and we found a rest stop with great views to eat lunch. However we had forgotten just how slow it can be driving these roads. By the time we reached Ouray, known as "Little Switzerland" we still had two hours driving ahead. And this was without seeing the South Rim. We had stayed in Ouray with Mike and LouAnn so we were not too disappointed that we needed to keep driving. By now it was thundery and threatening rain so that was another imperative. The gorge leading south from Ouray is the main reason that this highway is recommended as not to be missed. It was great to revisit it and even though the 25mph speed limit for a long way made slow going it was worth it. We then wound our was along the Rocky Mountains, not just over them, There were two major passes to climb over. One at 10,900 feet and one at 10,600. Along the way we went past the old mining towns of Silverton and Telluride showing wooden structures dating from the late 1800's. We finally drove into Durango at 6-30pm, During the day we had experienced temperatures  in the high 80's in the valleys and then dropping to the 60's on the mountains. We had been through the rain but it stopped by the time we reached our motel and the temp was 54. Such contrasts.

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