Tuesday 15 August 2017

Going to Reno

Today has had a very frustrating  beginning. Recently there have been delays in the post going to publish. Then today the work I wrote last night has refused to publish despite numerous attempts. Finally I searched for an answer on the net and it seems I have to change the internet connection. So here's hoping this will work. The story as I wrote it yesterday goes like this. It would have to have been a long one.
We travelled over the mountains today and the scenery was stunning. We drove along the river valley until just before we reached Aubourn. Then we entered the Aubourn Gorge. The photo I hope to post shows the bridge that we subsequently crossed.  The highest point in the Highway was the Donner Pass at 7000 + feet. There was snow on the mountain tops as we drove through.
We arrived in Reno at about 12pm which was too early to check into the accommodation we had booked at the Peppermill Casino & Resort. However I was prepared with the addresses of our two favourite stores and they were conveniently enroute to the Casino. The first one was a bit pf a disappointment but they did have a good cafe so we opted for lunch. When our sandwiches arrived we realised that half a sandwich was equal to what we would usually have for lunch. We agreed then that we would just order one in future and share. We developed a similar strategy for dinner at the Casino. I ordered a salad and Bob ordered a steak. Then we explained to the waitress that we can't eat their big meals and we planned to share. She was a bit bemused but hap

pily cooperated and brought us an extra plate and steak knife. The meal was delicious but we still couldn't finish all the salad.
The Peppermill is huge and we are staying in the budget rooms that we booked on Expedia. They are very comfortable and equal to 5 star in Australia. Tomorrow (today) we planned a quiet day doing some low key shopping and exploring. Bob needed time to recover from the shock of my shopping frenzy at Sierra Trading yesterday. I went armed with a list of specials that I had researched on the net but I must admit I had not actually planned to buy 4 pairs of shoes. I told him how much I saved but he was still shell shocked.
Today we have been into the centre of Reno which is actually wall to wall huge casinos and not much else. We did manage to find stamps for some snail mail and the Visitors Centre which we had not really hoped to track down. Tonight we are having Mexican Dinner as Bob has pointed out that if we are going to have it anywhere this is probably a good place.
I will now try to attach a couple of photos.

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