Thursday 10 August 2017

San Francisco Day 2

Well today has been a different experience. When I checked the weather forecast this morning it said "cloudy 20 decrees C". Perfect we thought as we set off for the Hop on Hop off Bus for a city tour. We were just in time to get front row seats on the top of the double decker and we were primed to see the sights. San Francisco is a beautiful city and we learnt a lot - such as all the trees around the streets and parks had to be gradually introduced and are all non native species. This is because there are no trees native to this area. Hence we saw a lot of eucalypts and some flowering red gums ( in flower). Also 70% of the city was new since 1906 due to the massive earthquake of that year. In this respect it is a lot like Perth with very few venerable buildings. Unlike WA they have been a lot smarter about preserving their 1900's era buildings. This is particularly notable in the houses in the older areas of the city where care has been taken to preserve and maintain them. There is an area where the houses are known as the "painted ladies" because of the detailed trim which enhances their timber painted exteriors. We also drove through the Haight Aspery area of the 60's fame where the decoration of the buildings is much more "out there " and more in the theme of "painted molls". Lots of fun to see evidence of "The Summer of Love". Unfortunately the weather forecast did not live up to the original prediction until late this afternoon. Long before then we had tumbled off the bus on numbed legs and with shaking hands into a handy "Hot Spud" lunch bar to re negotiate the plan. Fortunately we had taken our jackets anticipating the cold breeze which lurks around corners and pounces unexpectedly but even they were not enough to protect us. We decamped back to our cozy room for a nap, a hot shower and then ventured forth for some retail therapy. Tomorrow we will retrace our path to the magnificent Civic Centre for a closer look.
Before we joined the bus tour we had to track down a USA  Post Office to post a parcel of photos to my cousins in Oklahoma. In  the walk there and back we discovered some restaurants that were off the "tourist trail". Tonight we went back to that area which was conveniently only 3 blocks over from our hostel. Bob very generously volunteered that we try out a Mexican/ Salvadorian restaurant "Olivo's"  knowing that I would enjoy it even though it is not his preferance. We had an hilarious conversation sorting through what he might enjoy and me then translating his order to the proprietor's son  who was bemused but patient. What is more Bob thoroughly enjoyed his thin sliced topside and prawns. Though I have to report that he would not eat the mashed refried beans gravy.
And so ends another day.

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