Friday 11 August 2017

San Francisco Day 3

Well we have had the best day today. The weather was warmer and we planned a gentle stroll down through the Tenderloin area to the San Francisco Civic Centre. We drove past it yesterday and marked it as somewhere to visit at leisure. It was destroyed like many other buildings in the 1906 earthquake and rebuilt by 1915. It is very impressive as a structure and when we arrived we found that it was a very social building. It is the place where Marilyn Monro married Joe DiMagio and there were at least 4 weddings happening while we were there with more couples with entourage arriving. People were laughing, cheering and singing during the services and it was a very alive place.
From there we walked around the square past the Opera House and other impressive buildings to the Asian Art Museum. This was not somewhere that I would have sought out but it was recommended and we were there so in we went. The art was so beautiful I was so pleased that we went to see it. There were examples of pottery from 300 BC through to modern day. The art from Korea and Japan was exquisite.  We only saw one floor and then ran out of steam so retired to the restaurant for a delicious lunch of genuine Asian style food. Light and tasty.
After walking back through the Tenderloin which I have to tell you is not a place to go after dark we had a little rest before going down to the area where we ate last night. This morning we spotted an Italian Restaurant, called "Little Henry's" which is operated by a Cambodian couple.  We immediately decided that was where we would eat tonight. We did make a mistake ordering the special Alaskan Cod because we were intrigued to try it. However although the fish was nothing special it came with sides of salad, pasta, vegetables and bread. By the time we had eaten as much of that as we could we decided that we may well return on our last night before flying home to order pasta which is what we should have done tonight. More interesting yet was that while we were eating Bob spied a GOLD Lamborgini being parked just across the road. While I say gold that it just what I mean. Not golden yellow but gold like gold leaf. He could hardly contain himself to finish his meal to go over the road to look at it. When we did it was so amazing that we decided to walk back to the hostel to get our cameras hoping it would still be there when we returned. It was and there were others taking photos. One man was pretending to open the driver's door. With that there was a hale across the street telling him to get away from the car. It was the owner. We had assumed he was eating at a nearby posh restaurant but he subsequently informed us he had been having a haircut. He came over and as we had been a respectful distance taking our photos and polite he chatted. He is a US citizen of Pakistan heritage. He informed us he owns 3 gold cars and often displays them for charity. This is the latest version designed to be a street car as well as high performance.  He explained that the gold is applied as a wrap and the car has to be dismantled to apply it. As we were obviously very admiring and Bob was asking all the right mechanical questions he asked me if I had ever sat in one and then invited me to do so. I did and Bob took the photos to prove it.
He was just a very nice person who obviously enjoyed talking about his cars and San Francisco.
On that note we strolled back to the hostel and had a little boast about our evening to the young impressionable hostel reception staff.

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