Wednesday 30 August 2017

Yellowstone to Billings Montana

We thoroughly enjoyed Yellowstone and the drive North East out of the Park toward Billings today was interesting. We were back into the high country of the Park but there were still geyser fields in a couple of places. At one point we had to stop the car while  a small herd of Bison crossed the road in front of us. The larger males went across first and then one huge male just stood in the road, quite close to the cars and waited until the females and calves were safely across.
Then he strolled off. We saw more Bison today up in the high valleys than all the rest of our travels around the Park. We also saw an antelope and what Bob believes was a white fox. I am not convinced it was a fox but he didn't stick around long enough for me to ask him.
From there we took the Bear Claw Highway to Red Lodge, a ski resort town. I had read that the Bear Claw was not to be missed and it definately was the icing on the cake. I am saving the cherry on top for Glacier NP if it lives up to it's reputation.
The Bear Claw is a very sharply pointed mountain near the road. Interesting in itself. However the road is amazing. We were up above the snow line at the Pass which is 10,947 feet. Below were glacier carved valleys and alpine lakes of great beauy. Fortunately the road has been recently  re hotmixed and was in excellant condition. Just as well because the drop off from immmediately beside the road was straight down. It took us quite a while to do the 60 miles to Red Lodge partly because it was essential to drive slowly and partly because we kept pulling into laybys to take photographs. By the time we reached Red Lodge we were starving (2pm) so we went to a cafe for lunch. Had yummy home made tomato soup and a sandwich. Very reasonable despite this being a skiresort/tourist town. That kept us going until we
arrived in Billings.

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