Tuesday 19 March 2019

Perth to NSW - Day 1 Southern Cross

Preparing for departure was a bit frantic. We were both busy for the past couple of weeks tidying the garden and organising the requirements for the livestock while we are away. Then we had the three days of the Pioneer Cup Golf Tournement to work and play at. There was last minute anxiety regarding our house sitter who didn't tell us she had been in hospital for three days until she needed to explain why she didn't arrive on the arranged date. However she did arrive yesterday and seems experienced and competant. We left Obi in her care so have needed some reassurance on that score. We arrived at Ingrid's at 7pm and she and Phil had dinner organised for us. It was great to relax with them but it was early to bed as we couldn't stay awake.
This morning Bob needed to collect the bike from the mechanic wno has done a major service and I  needed a hair cut and to squeeze in a brief connection with Elise and the girls. By 11-30 we were loaded up and riding up Great Eastern Hway towards Midland. It was a warm day but there was wind blowing all day and that kept us cool enough while we were moving. Once we were out of the metro area we began to relax and enjoy the ride. We had lunch at Cunderdin and afternoon tea in Merredin. There they had delicious new seasons Fuji apples in the IGA so we stocked up. Then had a very wicked iced coffee with ice ceam in it at the coffee lounge.
Tnis carried us along nicely for the last 100 kms into Southern Cross. We phoned ahead to book a room in one of the lovely old pubs here and enjoyed a very good and somewhat too substancial dinner tonight. Southern Cross was our hoped for destination if today went well and it has set us up for a comfortable trip out to Fraser Range tomorrow. This is a station stay out from Norseman that we have often thought about visiting and this time it is going to work. All well so far so I'll write some more next time I have wifi.

1 comment:

  1. Hi folks, pleased to hear you are again heading of on another rad trip, enjoy the ride. Juele & I stayed at Fraser Range last year on our road trip, really enjoyed it, been travelling across the big paddock for years.l often wondered what it would be like staying there, so pleased decided to do that last year. I'm on my second house sit in the Mackay area, first one was on Juele's small property about 1 hour from Mackay. This one is in a suburb of Mackay, beach is short walk frrom here, two dogs take them down there every two days. After this in early April on a flight to Perth, week visiting family then to the Uk for 6 weeks. Enjoy your day, stay safe.
