Sunday 24 March 2019

Perth to NSW Sunday 24/3/19 To Mildura

It was cool again this morning and threatening rain all day. We seemed to skirt around it although some places had puddles in the street. They are desperate for rain so it is the conversation for everyone. We had heard that the kangaroos and emus were coming south looking for food and we soon saw some. As we approached a creek bed Bob suddenly slowed as 8 to 10 roos bounded across in front of us. There were emus in the paddocks and along the road verge but not in large numbers. The paddocks were absolutely bare. Even the salt bush was chewed down to stumps in some places. There was a small flock of sheep which had been turned out onto "the long paddock" sharing the verge grass with a mob of about 8 roos.
As the wind blew up this afternoon some properties were losing their top soil and there were a few that had sand dunes where the vegetation had lost the battle. It must be dreadful to be living on this land.
We have found comfortable accommodation again with no difficulty. We have had a stroll down The Mall and as we are in Victoria we are off to the Workers Club for dinner.

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