Friday 22 March 2019

Perth to NSW Thurs 21/3/19 To Eucla

Because there was no breakfast served at Fraser Range we were on the road to Balladonia at 7.10am. We were pleased to discover that the standards at the roadhouse are vastly improved since our last visit and we had a very nice breakfast. We also chatted to another couple who are riding back to Victoria after visiting family in Esperance. We have very similar itineraries so will be seeing them along the way. At lunchtime at Madura we caught up with a pushbike rider who is one of 25 riders racing to Sydney. This is an annual event and it takes them about 17 days. This man was the tail end charlie and very relaxed. He is an experienced international bike racer and built his own steel and titanium bike which has now done about 100,000 kms across USA, Africa, Turkey and Australia. Building bikes is his profession so he viewed the race as part of his job. We caught up with others as we headed toward Eucla and they did not look quite so relaxed. It is a cooler day which is a real blessing for them as well as us.
It was wildlife day today. We saw two Wedgetail eagles feasting on  roadkill. There were crows everywhere doing the same. I then saw a family of 4 emus and two live kangaroos. There was a strong headwind going in to Eucla but we were there by 2-30pm. We planned to do some laundry and hoped for wifi but neither came to fruition. Our friends from breakfast, Anna and Martin arrived just after us and we had dinner together, They belong to Ulysses so there was lots of bike talk and reminiscing. It was another good day.

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