Monday 25 March 2019

Perth to NSW Mon. 25/3/19 To Echuca

Today was a fairly short run to Echuca so we walked to the bakery and had a relaxed, delicious breakfast. The road wound along beside the Murray although it wasn't always in view.  We were repeating the trip we made in 2010 when we went to the Echuca GoldWing AGM but we had traveled about 70kms before it clicked that it seemed familiar.
There are vineyards and orchards predominantly at the Mildura end then it changes a bit to include rice fieds and some grazing in addition to vines. In between there is the familiar brown grass, saltbush and Gimlets. The lush green was a welcome change in the scenery and we enjoyed the river and the lakes we came to in the second half of the day. About midway we met up with a local biker, Brendon, who is not going to the AGM  but rode with us to Echuca to meet with our second traveling companion Lorenzo.  Lorenzo is from Adelaide but he and Bren know this area really well so they a busily plotting our route for tomorrow with Bob.
There was a vicious cross wind again today  but no rain. Bob alleges that the reason the sheep in the paddocks were lying down was not that they had had enough to eat it was because the wind would have rolled them across the paddocks if they tried to stand. Thankfully our direction veered to the NW slightly and we had a more combortable last part of the ride. It is forecast to be a tail wind again tomorrow which will be welcome.
Lorenzo was telling us there was a great Italian restaurant here but when we walked along the street it is closed on Mon & Tues. Hopefully the Greek restaurant which is also recommended will be open.
I have been amused by the variation in the names of the towns as we have traveled through the different regions. SA has names which are quite different to any in WA. Penong, Nundroo, Wudinna, Kyancutta .... Now we are in Victoria we have been to Euston( Monopoly) , Robinavale which must have been a Soldier Settler town because the street names were Tobruk and other well known battles. There's Wentworth, Swan Hill, Leichville and Gunbower. But also some wacky ones such as Tyntynder, Wee Wee, Lake Boga andTooleybuc.
However that is enough of that. Signing out.

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