Wednesday 27 March 2019

Perth to NSW Wed. 27/3/19 To Windsor

We set off in sunny cool conditions and I was glad I had pulled out my warm gloves.  The road was once again through rolling hills and they had obviously had some rain. It did not take long to reach Bathurst and Lorenzo went on while we did some checking out of the town. Lorenzo was going on to spend time with his father inlaw who lives in Newcastle. I haven't told you much about him but he is an interesting charachter. Of Italian decent but born in Australia he lives in Glenelg with his wife. She is flying over to spend time with family also and they will ride home together. Lorenzo was a "bikie"  in his youth but got out and is now a "biker " like us. He owns a very successful Tatoo Studio in Glenelg which employs 8 people. He advertises his business with personal body art. He is very family oriented and a genuinely nice person.
 We turned off and visited the Mount Panorama car race track. It was very quiet and Bob was pleased as he wanted the chance to ride around the course. It looked easy enough but as we went into the bends and up to tbe top of the couse (very sedately) it was amazing to think people roar around there at more than 100 km/hour. From there we went down to the Information Centre and then rode up the main street.  There are some beautiful old buildings there, heritage from the gold rush days.
From Ballarat we climbed steadily until we were high in the Blue Mountains. We took the road to Windsor which was quieter that the Highway through Katoomba into Sydney. It was a beautiful ride with amazing scenery. Along the way we found the Blue Mountains Botanical Gardens. These are at 1000 metres above sea level and it was very cool. (Temp.) The views were amazing and the gardens were beautifully set out. After that it was time to start down to Windsor which is on the NW fringe of Sydney. There were pie shops all along the road and we finally had to stop for lunch.
We were in Windsor by three pm and had no trouble finding a motel. Our room overlooks the Hawksbury River so the view is great. The bike is booked in to get a new rear tire in the morning before we do the final stretch up to Karuah for the GoldWing gathering. This was always the plan; in case you are wondering.
Tonight we have had a delicious Thai meal and are ready to relax.

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