Friday 22 March 2019

Perth to NSW Friday 22/3/19 To Ceduna

After breakfast at the motel we left at 8am. However this was actually 8.45 Central time and we lost another 45 minutes when we crossed into South Australia 12 kms down the road. This is the scenic part of the Nullabor as the cliffs of the Bight are close to the road. It had rained a bit earlier this morning but stopped by the time we got on the road. There was really high humidity and so the ocean was not it's usual brilliant blue. Interesting to see it in these conditions though. There was the same cloud cover as yesterday which meant it was cool. As we looked across the countryside the clouds seemed to be trailing misty curtains of rain but it didn't reach the ground. This area was looking very dry and it is psuedo Nullabor Plain in that there is lots of salt bush and dry grass but enough scattered small trees that it can't be called null abor. I will attach a photo I took at Nullabor Roadhouse which is typical of the 360 degree view. The Nullabor is a narrow srtip here as it balloons into a wider area to the north. Shortly after we left the roadhouse we saw the small trees proliferating again. They were dominant until we were close to Nundrew where the SA agricultural area begins again. We waited to have lunch at Penong as the roadhouses along this section are nothing to write home about. The Nundrew one has had a facelift and Penong has a new Caltex which was quite classy. From there it was just a short distance into Ceduna and we thought it would be cruisy.  We were sadly mistaken as a strong Southerly cross wind blew in and Bob was battling it the whole way. Fortunately there wasn't much traffic and he could hog the centre of the road. We were  very  pleased to reach Ceduna and find that the motel we stayed in last time is still lacking custom because it in a 60's model and away from the water. This means they are pleased to have custom, the rates are lower and it is very comfortable. We were even upgraded to a room with a verandah because it looked like rain and the manager knew we would appreciate cover for the bike. AND they have good wifi which means I am now up to date. We treated ourselves to a dozen oysters which they grow here and they were delicious. We then  had fresh fish for dinner and all is right in our world.

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