Wednesday 10 October 2018

Dorgogne Wed 1010 _Collonges la Rouge

Well Tuesday was pretty mundane as we packed up our belongings and departed our Paris apartment. The train to Brive la Gailarde was a bit more spacious than the Eurostar which had the sardine feeling of zoo class on Qantas domestic. The trip was four and a half hours and the scenery was initially the flat agriculture lands we had seen previously but became steep gullied, treed hills as we approached Brive. Our Air B&B is a compact modern unit complete wih washing machine. Our delightful, English speaking hostess kindly met us at the station so our arrival was smoothly uncomplicated.
Yesterday we had to shop at the marche and the boulangerie for our breakfast foods of bagette with butter and speads. Bob's supply of vegemite is running low so we wickedly substituted pate since we are in the area where it is produced though didn't splurge on foie gras since it costs a bomb. The pate was delicious and followed by cherry jam.
Fortified we walked the 20 minutes across  town to the Europcar office to pick up our hire car. They have given us a midi instead of a compact. It is a racing geen near new Citrone with bells and whistles and Bob is in love. After a post luncheon relax we took it for a 30 km drive out to Collonges la Rouge which is claimed to be one of the prettiest villages in France. Just as well because if they are all as pretty nearby the sd card in my tablet will  soon be overflowing. It is a very old village built entirely of red sandstone, as is the adjacent one. Collanges  had at least one building dated from the 1646 and they were all either carefully restored or partially restored authentically. Being a tourist mecca it also had some shops of course and we explored a couple. Although it was a delightfully quiet day when we were there as Bob observed it would be like living in a fish bowl. We easily whiled away a couple of hours as we ambled around it's complex streets finding interesting buildings around every corner.
Dinner was in a little cafe in the centre of the old town in Brive and we both opted for carnard (duck) though prepared differently.

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