Sunday 7 October 2018

Sunday in Paris

This was the long awaited day for the Bastille Market. Checking with Google Maps we found it was only a kilometer in a staight line walk from our place on Leon Blum Square. It was in a different direction to some of our exploratory walks around here and if was fun watching the locals walking back with their bulging shopping bags. Our entry point was midway and we strolled and salivated at all the fish, cheeses, fresh fruit/veges and bread./ pastries. I think the thing I found most different  was the range of shellfish on sale. This included huge oysters and lobsters but also things like sea urchins and razor clams. We realised we could have come here for breakfast but it was too late by then. When we reached the end nearest the Bastille roundabout we stepped out to take a photo of the spire and discovered that there is an archaelogical dig being undertaken. No doubt there are at least some interesting remnants of the Revolution to be found. The information sign also showed that this was one of the ancient entry points and eventually a gate for Paris.
Continuing around the market we bought some soft cheese and magnificent grapes for later.
Our next quest was the La Promenade Plantee. This is an upper garden walkway developed along a disused railway embankment. By then it had started to rain. There had been what Bob terms "Walpole Pizzle" on and off but this looked like setting in for a while. I persuaded Bob to stop for coffee and we sat and watched the rain come down and sipped our drinks like Parisians. When we set off we had trouble getting my photocopied directions and the Google map to agree. In the meantime we found Voges Place which is one of the beautiful old squares renoun for it's  architecture. We had visited it previously so didn't get too distracted from our purpose. Eventually with some back tracking we found the embankment but not an entry point. Success was achieved after a bit more walking and we enjoyed a kilometre walk along the pathway to a park. By then it was time to find the Metro and go home for lunch. Picking up a fresh bagette, ripe tomatoes and finely sliced Italian smoked ham we arrived home for a late lunch and a feast.
After the required afternoon kip we set off for a nearby restaurant which was written up as having good food. The specialty appetizer is Razor Clams. They were unknown to us but we decided to share a serve. I will include a photo which Bob took if I can. They are encased in long hinged cylindrical shells and were delicious but the broth they were cooked in was the real show stealer. After our main course which was also good I felt like  I waddled out of there. Then home to bed.

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