Friday 12 October 2018

France :Brive, Fri. 12 /10

It was another beautiful day weatherwise reaching 28 F. The same is predicted for Sat. We headed South East of the city today with Rocmadour as our ultimate goal. Turenne was highlighted on the map provided by the very helpful woman at the Information Centre and that was our first stop. The approach was as spectacular as many of the villages which are perched against a ridge. The view of stone buildings with their slate roofs climbing the hill below the stone walls of a chateau fortress was beautiful. We parked near the Info Centre and walked the winding road up to the chateau. This gave great views of the valleys below as well as the church and houses along the way. The chateau wasn't open to visitors as October is considered off season but that didn't bother me. I managed some photos of the autumn foliage and a view of Limousins grazing down below.
We drove on to Martel. The town of seven towers. This must have been an important defence strategy. The town is low lying beside the river compared to the ridge top positions. It was very pretty to stroll through. We hoped for a sandwich shop but it was closed and all the restaurants were advertising heavier meals. This is common in rural France and not what we wanted.
We moved on to Rocmadour which is famous for being built into the side of a cliff. There are a chapel and sanctuaries 300 metres up on the cliff top and pilgrims climb the steps or these days ride the funicular. As we arrived at a cliffside area at the end of the valley there was a restaurant parking area which gave great views of Rocmadour. We discovered that it also served salads in a very comfortable shaded terrace and settled for lunch there. My salad had all the usual lettace, tomatoes, olives plus artichoke hearts and patties of warm (panfried) goats cheese. The cheese is a local specialty and nice enough but not something I would choose too often. Bob couldn't resist a salad with duck breast. I tell him he will quack soon. What he will tell Francis Drake when we get home is for him to work out.
We had a lesson in using France's hi tec parking metres from a nice parking man when we arrived ar Rockmadour. The number  plate of the vehicle has to be entered which stops the sharing of unspent parking credit. The village street winds at mostly one level above the River Dordonge. The steps are fiercely steep and we decided not to become pilgims so late in our lives. It was a pleasant stroll looking at all the options to spend our Euros and the we decided to head for home.
We plotted a route that took us home along a different path and through the town of Beaulieu-sur- Dordogne. This is a modern attractive town beside the River and would be a good base for exploration of the area.

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