Wednesday 17 October 2018

France: Arles 17/10

As this is a "walking" old city centre we did lots of walking yeaterday. We picked up a copy of "WalkingTours" from the Information Centre and set off on the Van Gogh trail. He lived here happily for the last years of his life and the walk took us to the known points of some of his paintings. Naturally we found a few Roman ruins along the way. The trail was along the Rhone River in large part and I was pleased to see it has plenty of water in it but is not in flood. After lunch we bought an entry ticket for the main Roman sites that we wanted to visit. The Roman Theatre and the Amphitheatre are next door to our hotel so we started there. The Amphitheatre held 21,000 people and they still hold bull fights there. They also still hold events at the Theatre. From there we walked back across town( not far) to Constantine's Baths. These had been build over and actually incorporated into nearby buildings before there was some restoration in the 19 C. On the way back to the hotel we went into the foundations of the original Roman Forum which are under the town hall building. These are huge and exist intact. They were very useful during WW2  as a bomb shelter.
By then it was time to relax before dinner, which we did. We are getting into the swing of eating later and it was 7-30 before we set off to find a restaurant. We ended up back at the bull fighter's cafe because Bob decided he wanted lamb chops too. I don' t think I mentioned this  in my last post. El Lobo was a very respected bull fighter who owns a cafe in the square. He and his wife both cook according to need and I had delicious lamb chops there our first night in town.

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