Thursday 30 June 2022

WED 29 JUNE - Alpine Pastures & Stans

 This morning the weather seemed a bit doubtful as rain was forecast for about lunchtime. Maria decided it was too dodgy to head  for the real mountains so decided we would go up to the Summer pastures about an hour away.  Google said we would be there in half an hour but that was just to get to the base of the hills we were to climb. The winding unsealed road that Roland drove us up had more hairpins than old fashioned pin curls. It took half an hour of careful driving alongside sheer drop offs to cover the 15 verticle kilometers. Passing the few on coming vehicles was a breath holding experience.

Once we arrived close to the top of what we would classify a mountain we found grassey pastures dotted with basic Summer bungalows, a little white chappel and lots of "Swiss Browns". This is the breed of the most common dairy cows. Their colour ranges from creamy caramel to dark brown and they almost all wear a loud but not unmusical cow bell.

Once we had taken in the scenery we headed off on a medium scale walk. The first stop was the significant marker for the Geographic centre of Switzerland. We of course stopped for the obligatory photos which I will try and post at a later date because I stupidly deleted a whole batch of my photos. I had sorted them into separate groups and then became confused as to which file I was in and whiped them.

The wild flowers along the way were quite beautiful and I was chuffed to find some Alpine Orchids. These are like dainty versions of our Leek Orchids only in varigated shades of mauve. On the home run we stopped in at a home cheese  making business and bought butter and cheese which we sampled later. Both fairly mild in flavour. We also spotted a couple of wild goats grazing and running along a high ledge.

Arriving back at the restaurant near the car park we stopped for coffees before braving the long road back. I must say Roland manages these roads with great skill. Halfway down we stopped at a roadside BBQ  shelter. This had everything needed  from a trough with constantly running mountain water, to a huge stack of firewood, an axe and bbq tongs, to first aid equipment and a bottle of Schnapps. All of this was to ensure the safety of people unexpectedly caught in a storm. Because everyone up there recognises the importance having this equipment in an emergency it is all left clean and tidy and not exploited. Maria had brought German Style sausages , salad and bread so we cooked up our snags and enjoyed our lunch.

On the way home we stopped in  small town called Stans for a wander around the and the most delicious iced coffee with ice cream. Dinner was a strange Vietnamese take away because no one needed much. It ended up being quite tasty but a long way from it's Viet roots. 

Tuesday 28 June 2022

Tuesday 28th June To Horw

 After our usual liesurely breakfast when we tried out some of Maria &Rolands jam making activities we packed up and set off. We went first to Zofingen to take a walk  around the park which overlooks the town. We also saw about three different varieties of deer which are in adjacent large grassy runs for the benefit of visitors.

Then we went down into the town for a walk around the old town. The town was settled prior to 1571 because we saw the toll house was built then and they were obviously in a position to defend themselves. Roland has just Googled the origins and first time it was mentioned historically was 1271. The old buildings are beautifully restored and we had a fascinating time seeing the variations of design.

Our wandering took us up until when we realised that it was 1pm and we needed to find some lunch. Fortunately  Roland scoped out a small cafe tucked in under a huge Linden Tree. Appropriately it was called the Linden Cafe. 3 of us ordered chicken cooked in a Tagine Moroccan style which was delicious and Bob had an interesting array of salads and samosas. We then completed our circuit and headed to Horw , pronounced Horb.

This is where Erich and Caterina live in a comfortable apartment and they have loaned it to the 4 of us while they are away on holiday. They have taken their caravan up to the NW coast of France so Erich can surf and 2 1/2  year old Neil can play in the sand. Hopefully Caterina can have some down time too.

Bob and I were blown away by the view from their balcony of Mt Pilatus.

House with traditioal  song written across the from with illustrations in Zofingen.

View of M

               View of Mt Pilatus from balcony in Horw.
House built in 1371 in Horw and recently restored.

Houses around the main square in Zofingen with local particular roof style.

us. Fortunately we took photos immediately because it is now shrouded in cloud. We then went to the nearby shops for a few essentials  and then a walk to the lake. Now we are sitting down to fondue for tea. 

Monday 27th June Zurich

 Today we did some photo management chores and I placed all the Wedding photos in one file. We then messaged Elise for her birhday.  It was 5 pm her time and she was busy organising dinner ready to go to the Churchlands big anniversay concert. So it was a short call just to wish her Happy Returns.

Bob and I then gave Maria and Roland some space by going into Zurich on the train for the afternoon. We had a lovely walk through the twisting lanes and alleys of the Old Town. Enroute we went into the Reformed Kirke of St Peter. This was very simple in it's decoration but was fitted out with lots of beautiful wood. As we looked around and took a seat to soak up the atmosphere the organ began to play. There was a prerecorded short sample of the music it can produce from the thunderous to the gentle. It was fabulous because it was a magnificent organ.

We then ambled on down to the waterfront of Lake Zurich and caught a Ferry which took us on a 1.5 hour trip around the Lake. It was calm and sunny and very pleasant. We then successfully caught the correct train home and walked up to M & R's in the quiet but steady rain. Maria and Roland had spent the afternoon making jam. Red Current, Black Current and Nectarine.

Sunday 26 June 2022

Sunday 26 june

 Today was a relax and recovery day after all the excitement. Roland and Maria took us on a walking tour through the Old Town of Bulach. The town was founded in 1385 after a couple of earlier settlements ( circa 811+ ) were burnt down by the invading Austrians. It still has the remnants of the Town Wall incorporated into the boundary walls of the homes built there. We then went to the Museum where there was a display of the history of the Fire Brigade. They still have an early fire fighting set up which was a Bentley Wagon towing a trailor. The Bentley can be hired for Weddings and other special occassions. Maria and Roland used it for their Wedding.

Last evening Roland and Maria cooked a roast of pork for dinner and the bridal couple joined us. It was great to have time with them for a decent chat.

Photos from Gallingen

Saturday 25 June 2022

Saturday 25th June

 Well yesterday was full on. Maria was off to the hairdresser early and I had to paint my toe nails and pack our overnight bag. It was essential that everything needed for the wedding was on board as the wedding venue and our accommodation were about an hour away. We went to the venue in Gailling first to drop off the pavlovas  then to the Rhinegold Hotel about 3 kms away. We drove over a beautiful old covered bridge between the two sites. Our hotel was really comfortable and very reasonably priced because it is across the Rhine in Germany.

We just had time to change and then off to the weddimg. The weather has been a source of some anxiety because rain and storms had been forecast. However even if Lea and Michael couldn't have an outdoor service on the bank of the river the venue was well set up for undercover events.

By the time we arrived the decision had been made for an undercover event. The reception area had been divided by curtains and all the tables were behind them adjacent to the open servery kitchen area. Seating was arranged inside because even though it wasn't raining at that time it was evident that it would be soon. The service was a bit different for us because we couldn't understand a word. Also I thought the lady reverend  talked for a bit too long before getting down to the important business. However Lea and family were happy with how it went. 

It was raining by the time we went over to a nearby marquee  for drinks, hordouves and some entertaining competitions intended to while away the interlude. Fortunately we were well equipped with umbrellas and it wasn't heavy. The food was delicious and was four courses but widely spaced so by 9pm we had only eaten our salad  then soup. The soup was a local specialty  - White wine Soup. It was very unusual but delicious. When the main course came it was beef and veal with plenty of vegetables.  Desert and the cutting of the two pavlovas was at 11. 30pm. In the periods between courses Lea and Michael's friends had arranged entertainment with video presentations which were about their personal histories and humourous depictions of the events of their courtship. Roland gave the traditional Father of the Bride speach but Michael's father used the audio visual medium which he obviously found easier.

After the desert and coffee etc we had a bit of a wait until the Bridal Whaltz. This was a little different in that it was a well rehearsed dance by Lea and Michael. By then it was after 1am and long past Bob and my bedtime. We gathered up Michael's mother who was also wilting and took the first shuttle bus home to the hotel. Maria and Roland kicked on till 2am and fhe young people danced on till 3am.

Thursday 23 June 2022

Bullach Thursday.

 Well tomorrow is Michael and Lea's big day. This morning Lea called in to collect one of her parents cars to use for the weeding day as it is bigger than hers. Maria and I went over to their vegetable allotment to pick red currents and rasberries.  The rasberries are destined to decorate a pavlova which Lea has decreed for their wedding cake. An Aussie friend of Michal's arrived here from Munich in time for lunch enroute to participate in Michael's bucks night. He is the official Pavlova cook as it is his spacialty while he is in Europe.  Chris is a  sociable man who has fallen on his feet over here. He was working in Australian television when COVID  caused his hours to be progressively reduced. He began  part time in work programming electronic control of television booms.  This landed him a position in the Australian team at  the Eurovision  Contest. Now he has the possibility of a contract of work with a Danish firm which has so much work on they  are using him as a contractor and flying him all around Europe to help out on productions who want to use the technology.  

Bye for now I am going to see how the pavlova is progressing.

Bullach Activities

Yesterday was more relaxed. We had a late breakfast and before I had realised it Maria had loaded our washing into her machine and it was ready to hang in the drying room. I did manage to help hang it up and bring it in later. We had a trip back to the Airport which is 12 kms away. Here we could exchange money, look around a huge Migros supermarket and stop in to Maria's favourite restaurant for  a drink. Along the way we went for a walk around a forest walk trail that has been developed adjacent to the airport  which is accessed by a small funicula  rail. Not the last we will use before we leave I am sure.

We also purchased a Rail/chair lift/ ferry tourist concession card which Maria assures us will save us lots and a local sim card to use for the month. It was very interesting while  we were in the restaurant drinking tea. At a large table next to us were some "beautiful " people  celebrating a wedding and drinking shampagne. The outfits were fascinating including a guy who had combed his beard into ringlets. There were women in long dresses, one in a very elegant off the shoulder dress but it had slipped down a bit and had the hanging straps peeking out. Quite entertaining.

We were still fairly early to bed but feel a lot more rested. More later.

Wednesday 22 June 2022


 We arrived exactly on scedule and Maia and Roland were there to meet us.  They took us home to a delicious breakfast of interesting bread and croisants. We thoroughly enjoyed it despite having eaten a substantial airline breakfast. We had had a more comfortable flight in Premium Economy but still didn't sleep much.

Caught up on the Swiss  Family news. This included the fact that in Switzerland there is a civil marriage ceremony prior to the religious ceremony. So Lea actually became Mrs Good last Saturday. The religious ceremony is on Friday at a beautiful location on the bank of the Rhine. Weather permitting there will be an outside ceremony followed  by what sounds like quite a party in a specially designed venue.

Yesterday it was 33c so quite a change from our 18c at home. We went for a walk out to a traditional Swiss farm on the outskirts of Bulach the village where Maria and Roland live. It is rather different to Aussie broad acres farms, An intensively cultivated 55 hectares. The farmer worked in the local semi volunteer fire service with Roland and also did contract harvesting for others to suppliment  the family income though he is now retired. The walk took us through beautiful Beech and fir forrest which is still harvested for firewood by the local Forrest Service.. Roland and Maria's  camper is very similar to ours with slightly fewer of the gadgets but with precision German construction. Bob was most impressed.

Last night we fell into bed and were asleep immediately. Today will be a relaxed day.

Sunday 19 June 2022

Now it is Singapore


I don't know what happened when  I started this post but we really are in Singapore now. We had a fairly good flight with SIA in that we departed on time and arrived on time. We have both been a bit spaced out today having to be at the airport at 3am and then not sleeping much on the flight. Fortunately our first experience with Uber went very well but our anxiety as to whether it was going to be successful meant we were at the Perth airport very early. It seems that being Saturday night there were plenty of drivers working which was in our favour. We will know better next time.

We spent the early afternoon exploring the Changi Jewel extension of the airport. It is huge with 8 levels filled with shops, entertainments  and all manner of restaurants.  Being Sunday it was fairly bustling with locals as well as travellers. The indoor waterfall and rainforest vegetation are a huge focal point and interest. We found the food hall  and had a tastly lunch and were able to check in to our hotel just after 2pm.  It was definately nap time then. Afterwards we had to head down to the Supermarket to buy milk so we could have a decent cup of tea.  After another saunter around the levels we have had a  delicious  light dinner and a are  now settling into our room for the night. 

Saturday 11 June 2022


 Hello ,

Just a week until we fly out to Switzerland via Singapore. We will be with our friends Roland and Maria and attending their daughter Lea's wedding to Michael. After that we are going to be based in Lucerne and exploring Switzerland with our hosts who have just semi retired and are looking forward to being our tour guides. I will be blogging regularly as this is my online diary.  Talk soon- after the 19th. G